Know the Styles Played On Electric Guitar

Electric guitar lessons are the most versatile ways to learn the guitar. The biggest variety of styles and genres can be played on the electric guitar. An electric guitar is easier to play than an acoustic due to the light gauge strings and thinner body. The following article will describe the different things that could be covered in electric guitar lessons.

An electric guitar is the preferred guitar for rock, jazz, and metal and even though a lot of country and blues is played on the acoustic guitar there is just as much played on an electric guitar. Even classical, Spanish, blue grass, and folk can be played on an electric guitar, although it’s traditionally played on an acoustic or classical guitar.

*Metal: Heavy Metal and of its sub genres are almost exclusively played on an electric over an acoustic due to the over driven or distorted tone from the amplifier. Electric guitar lessons for metal could cover; open and bar chords, power chords, minor pentatonic scales, seven tone scales, and arpeggios. Techniques such as alternate picking, sweeping, and palm muting would be covered as well.

*Jazz: Jazz is almost exclusively played on an electric guitar, usually a semi hollow body. Electric guitar lessons for jazz could include; major, minor, 7th, minor 7th, minor 9th, and dominant 7th and 9th chords. Major, Lydian, pentatonic, and bebop scales. Techniques such as “comping”, “hybrid picking” (using a guitar pick and fingers together), and “blowing” (improvising). “Walking bass rhythms”, playing in “odd time” and jazz chord progressions and jazz chord theory could also be learned in jazz electric guitar lessons.

*Country: Country is often played on an acoustic guitar, but modern players have switched to electric, which has given birth to new styles of playing. Electric guitar lessons for country could cover; open and bar chords, major and minor pentatonic scales, 7 tone scales, and arpeggios. Techniques such as; alternate picking, hybrid picking, and finger picking, walking and alternating bass lines, playing melodies over chord changes and double stops and double bends.

*Blues: Blues originally started on the acoustic guitar, but shortly evolved to the electric guitar. This is one of the most popular styles played on the electric guitar today. Electric guitar lessons for blues could cover; Major, minor and 7th chords, Major and minor pentatonic scales, 12 bar 1-4-5 chord progressions, shuffles, and playing with a slide.

*Classical and Spanish: Almost exclusively played on nylon string acoustic guitars, but can be played on an electric guitar. Electric guitar lessons for Classical and Spanish guitar styles could cover; Right hand finger identification (P I M A), picking techniques like “the rest stroke” and “the free stroke”, palm muting (Pizzicato), hammer-on & pull-offs, and learning to read music notation.

As you can see from the few examples here that electric guitar lessons could cover many styles and genres. It would take many years to cover and a lifetime to master. There would always be something new around the corner to learn.

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