Guitar Control presents instructor Darrin Goodman, aka Uncle D, with another installment of the series on pentatonic sequence licks. In this latest lesson Uncle D demonstrates some pentatonic sequence licks in the style of Randy Rhoads. So be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the video instruction and you will be rockin’ these killer licks tonight!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I want to give you some more examples of the pentatonic sequence licks that we’ve been working on. Today we’re going to look at some in the style of Randy Rhodes.
So right now, Guitar Control is giving away this really awesome daily practice routine to improve your lead guitar chops. This was put together by our very own Silvio Gazquez, a two-time Guitar Idle finalist. This routine covers the four main concepts that are necessary for lead guitar; alternate picking, legato, sweep picking and tapping. All the tabs and exercises are all included in this free ebook and there’s a link in the description where you can get yours.
So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at these.
Randy Rhoads Lick-1
All right, so the first one to look at here is a lick that’s kind of a fill in the chorus on Crazy Train. So this is all right out of F sharp pentatonic minor. So we’re gonna start off we’re going to bend and we’re gonna take my first finger and I’m gonna barre across the second fret of the B and the high E string and then my third finger is going to go on to the fourth fret of the G string and we’re going to bend that and then follow it with the B and high E string… So this is really common one and we’ve seen it a lot in the Chuck Berry kind of a style thing. Then we’re gonna go to the fifth fret on the B string and we’re going to pick that and pull to the third fret. Then we’re gonna take our second finger go to the third fret and pick and pull to the second one. Then we’re gonna go to the fifth fret on the G string and back to that second fret on the B string and then we’re gonna go back to the fifth fret on the G string and we’re going to pick pull to the fourth fret with our third finger and then to the second fret with our first finger… Then we go to the fourth fret on the D string, back to the second fret of the D string, and that’s a little sequence right there. Then we’re going to go down to the second fret on the D string to the fourth fret on the A string back to the second fret of the D string and back to the A string again… Then second fret to the third fret of the A string and then first finger on the second fret and we’re gonna pick and pull and then end on the open A… So this is a movable shape and it’s much easier to play it a little higher up on the fretboard than it is down here. So I would transpose it… maybe up here; just make it so it’s a little bit easier to play especially if you’re a beginner it’s like when you when you’re down you’re trying to do stuff like that it’s pretty awkward.
Randy Rhoads Lick-2
All right, so the next lick we’ll look at is a lick from Flying High Again. This is like the very beginning of the guitar solo. So this is just a little repetitive sequence that’s just on the first three strings and again it’s out of the pentatonic scale. So this time we are going to be starting here on the 14th fret of the high E string and then we’re going to go to 17 on the B string and pull to the 14th fret. And then we’re going to go to the 16th fret on the G string and we’re going to do just a little tiny bend and it just repeats… Now it just keeps repeating that so this is something you again you can move this around wherever you want. So since we are above the 12th fret this is where I’ll start kind of substituting my third finger with my pinky you know because the fronts are close together, it’s just kind of cramped, but in this particular thing it’s actually easier for me to play it that way. So you’ll just have to kind of experiment and see what’s easier for you.
Randy Rhoads Lick-3
All right so then the last one to look at is a lick from Mr Crowley and this is similar to the last one we looked at as far as it’s just a little repeating sequence that’s just on the first three strings. So this time we’re going to be barring at the 10th fret on the first two strings and we’re going to be on the 12th fret on the G string and we’re going to bend that up a full step and then we’re going to go B, E, then to the 13th fret of the B string and pick and pull to ten… So that first bend rings out just a little bit longer than everything else does, but it’s like… So this is a cool lick. It’s easy to move it around into other Keys. It sounds really good when it’s played up to speed, although I didn’t really do it all that right there in the example, but as you can see that’s just a repeating sequence just like the ones we’ve previously worked on and this is very similar to the ones you’re going to see like with Jimmy Page and we’ve seen with Ace Freely. You can see with lots of players doing this very similar kind of a pentatonic sequence licks.
All right, so there you have it, three pentatonic sequence licks in the style of Randy Rhodes. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.