Hi Friend,
I’m planning to film “Claustin Powers 3”
very shortly…
If you haven’t seen the first 2, please
check my blog
This is probably going to the last
Claustin Powers…sadly… lol…
But any more than 3 and its just
beating a dead horse with the same
old shtick…
But I feel there’s definitely room
for one more. Ya know, complete
the trilogy.
Should be good — you know that
I’m never short on creative ideas!
But one of my secrets to being
creative is get good advice
from other peeps…
So I’m asking YOU to give me
some groovy ideas for what
I do with Claustin 3.
Plot ideas, characters, guitar
Should be fun.
I want you to be a part of it!
Just go to my blog and reply
to my post… Let’s get some
good ideas going.
I’ll have more guitar lessons
coming soon.
Claude Johnson
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