Showing 2,014 Result(s)

4-step formula for a great guitar solo

Today I played guitar with a good buddy, had dinner with my sweetie, and now I’m chilling with myself in my secret underground lair.. Needless to say its shaping up to be a good weekend. Hope you are doing well too my friend. As much as I’ve matured in my view abouthow important rhythm is, …

This was too important

hi Friend, In my last email I gave you a little “cheat sheet” or list of ways you can expand on playing a basic pentatonic scale. I thought this lesson was too important NOT to give you a video, so here goes — I think you’ll find this very interesting. LESSON: SOLOING WITH ALL 12 …

Easy Picking Idea

Now, the key part of this is getting the rhythm andit’s not quite so much like a country picking stylewhere you have to alternate really vigorously betweenbass notes. You don’t have to do that. It’s more likethe open E and of course the high E allows you to leaveopen strings and just kind of use …

I’m shocked

hi Friend, Today I want to show you a new lesson that I call “Easy Picking Idea”. It’s a nice acoustic lick from Sol Philcox… EASY PICKING LESSON This is great because you can really create some nice sounds even on one chord. I really dig when that happens 🙂 Check it out! And i’ll …

Are you on facebook?

hi Friend, I’m excited because I (finally) created a facebook page for Guitar Control. Can you do me a favor and give me a big fat “LIKE”? Pleeeaaaasee 🙂 CONNECT WITH ME ON FACEBOOK Pretty please with sugar on top take a second for your ol’ pal Claudius. Thanks! I’ll be sharing certain things on …

How to be a wanna-be

hi Friend, Most people of think of “wanna-be” as a negative thing. But I believe you HAVE to go through a stage of copying your heroes in order to eventually get to a place where you can create original sounds. I was lying in bed earlier today, contemplating the nature of the “brain to hand” …


hi Friend, For the last few years — a lot of people are hurting. No doubt about it. The economy has been “sideways” for years and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be changing any time soon. ———————————————- fyi: I’m about to go into “rant mode”, so if you only want to hear about …

Video lesson =>beginner arpeggios

hi Friend, Man, I tell ya… I have a LOT on my plate these days. Heck, I’ve been busier than a 1 legged man in an arse-kicking contest. hahaaha… But seriously folks… Ok let me give you my guitar lesson of the day. It’s a beginner lesson on arpeggios. Maybe that sounds like a contradiction …