Showing 4,606 Result(s)

Cure to the monday blues

Friend, Here we go. I’m going to OVERLOAD you with guitar goodies today… This is just what the Doctor prescribes if you find yourself coming down with a case of the Monday blues. I say “overload” because I just update not ONE, but TWO guitar blogs. The first one, is the official Johnsonater guitar blog. …

Guitar Lick of the Week

hi Friend, Happy Friday… Ok, I don’t *officially* have a lick of the week, however… I always like to share cool guitar stuff with you on a regular basis. Today is no freakin exception! lol… I have a juicy lesson for you today that I posted on my blog. Check it out… -Claude P.S. …

24 note Repeating Pentatonic Legato Lick

Recently I sent an email about fast, repeating pentatonic licks and how to take advantage of some cool economy picking and legato techniques for maximum efficiency. Here is the lick I was talking about tabbed out, and also here is a second repeating pentatonic lick… In the tab here, I play each of these 2 …

Wildest artificial harmonics EVER

Hello Friend, The other day I mentioned some bizarre guitar secrets. Well, they have arrived. Today, I’d like to show you a video from one of the greatest jazz guitar legends of our time. Do me a favor, visit the new blog, check out the video, and PLEASE, post your comment! I love to …

Bizarre guitar secrets…

Friend, Wow — I just watched some of the most advanced, bizarre, mind-blowing guitar secrets I’ve ever watched. Seriously — I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve never seen anything like this. Yup – my jaw is still on the floor. I’m hoping to have these secrets in your hands in the …

Happy Birthday to…

Friend, Well its official… I’m gettin old. Just celebrated my 36th birthday yesterday, and to be honest with you, it wasn’t that much of a celebration. Kind of my own fault as I didn’t plan that much. And what I did have planned fell through as I was outside in the freezing cold for 30 …