Hey folks, The fingerpicking packages are going to fly off the shelf. Go here: www.fingerpickingsecrets.com/main.php Claude
Hey folks, The fingerpicking packages are going to fly off the shelf. Go here: www.fingerpickingsecrets.com/main.php Claude
Hi Friend, The time is near… In less than 22 hours, the “Ultimate Fingerpicking Collection” is going on sale. Let’s go right to the point. The “kind of bad news” is: I only have 72 packages available tomorrow. And since there’s literally hundreds of thousands of guitar players that are going to receive this email, …
Ok, so the fingerpicking DVDs are coming out tomorrow. I just counted, and there’s actually 93 SONGS! And all of them are amazing, really. WOW. A lot of people are asking, Claude, how much is this gonna cost? Do I have to get all 15 DVDS? I’m going to come out with the best deal …
Hey Guitarists! Ok, a few words about the Fingerpicking package that we’ll be releasing on Thursday… 1. First of all, this is a massive 15 DVD package. Really, it will provide you with years and years of things to play and practice. Perhaps a lifetime… Although fingerpicking is literally a technique, it sometimes is referred …
Hi Friend, I’m so glad that so many of you are enjoying the fingerpicking lessons that I’ve been posting on my new blog: www.fingerpickingsecrets.com/blog/?p=23 Ok, so here’s an interesting question that came to me: Is fingerpicking a style or a technique? It could be both… But I like to think of fingerstyle as a technique …
Hey Friend, How’s it going. I don’t know if you got a chance to read the first couple emails I sent about Sol Philcox. But this kid is a guitar genius. Fortunately, I was able to get him to fly to Pennsvylania where we filmed hours and hours of amazing chicken picken guitar lessons. Here, …
One of the cool things in fingerpicking guitar is Dropped-D tuning. Don’t worry, this isn’t some crazy alternate tuning, just tune the low E string down one whole note. This gives you an awesome sounding D chord with the open A and open low D ringing out. Here’s a cool 3 minute clip where’s Stefan’s …
Hey Friend, Hope you’ve been following along on the new blog: https://www.fingerpickingsecrets.com/blog/?p=15 Today I have another video along with all the info about how to get your hands on the new fingerpicking DVD series. Today’s video shows some really cool ideas you that can use when you’re playing in the key of D. As always, …
Hi Friend, I have another video today , now we are really getting into the heart of fingerpicking technique. If you’ve been getting any of my emails for the last few days, hopefully you checked out the fingerpickingsecrets BLOG. www.fingerpickingsecrets.com/blog/?p=12 Today I put a new video up that I think you’ll get a lot from …
Ok lets get started playing a basic chord progression. Check out the video – we’re gonna play a G C D progression and you’ll see how it works in the fingerpicking style. This is setting up an awesome foundation even with no melody.