Learn to play three more fun & easy subscriber requested riffs in this 7th installment of the series by Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the step by step video instruction and you will be rockin’ these killer subscriber requested riffs tonight!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson and today I have subscriber requested riffs 7.0. So if you have any suggestions for riffs that you’d like to see covered in this series leave them down in the comments.
Right now Guitar Control is offering a free ebook, 30 Useful and Powerful Open Chords. It’s a free download, there’s a link down in the description.
Right so as usual there are links in the description for the tabs for this lesson so be sure to get those and let’s get close up and take a look at these.
Subscriber Riff-1 – Simple Sister – Procol Harum
All right so the first subscriber riff we have is Simple Sister by Procol Harum and this is the riff for the intro. So we’re going to start off here at the fifth fret on the low E string and we’re gonna pick that and we’re gonna slide up to the eighth fret… so it’s like; one and, two and, three and then we rest on the and of three, plus all of the downbeat all of beat four. Then we slide out of it like that and then we come back up to the seventh fret on the A string and we’re gonna go; seventh fret and we’re gonna hammer to the eighth fret and then nine slide to ten and slide out of it… so the first part… All right so that’s the first two measures now starting on the third measure and it’s just like the first measure, but instead of sliding from the fifth fret to the eighth fret we’re going to start at the third fret and we’re gonna slide to the sixth fret, but it’s the same timing and counts. Now we’re gonna do that same riff that we did before on measure two but now we’re gonna do it starting at the fifth fret; so it’ll be fifth fret hammer to the sixth fret then seven slide to the eighth fret and slide out of it. So, so far we’ve got… All right and then starting on the fourth measure I’m going to start at the first fret and do just like we did on the first and third measure, but now we’re going to slide to the fourth fret… then we’re gonna do that same riff, but starting on the third fret on the A string; so three hammer to four, five and then six slide to six and slide out of it… Then to end it I’m going to start at the first fret and we’re going to do a slide to the third fret, but we don’t want to put emphasis on this, it’s just like a ghost note or a slide from nowhere and that’s like one, two and then we do the same thing on the D string; start at the first fret but this time we’re going to go to the fifth. So it’s like… and then we immediately follow that third fret of the D string then hammer to four, five and then it just starts over again…
Subscriber Riff-2 – Photograph – Def Leppard
All right, the next subscriber riff we’re going to be looking at a riff from Photograph by Def Leppard and this is actually the verse riff. So the easiest way I’ve found to play this is we’re going to go to the ninth fret on the D string with your third finger and the ninth fret on the G string with your fourth finger and then we’re going to take our second finger and we’re going to put it down so it’s on the eighth fret of the G string and then we’re going to rest on one and then on the and of one we start strumming and then on the and of two we take our pinky off so now we’re eight and nine and we hit that three times… Now it’s kind of weird when you’re just playing it by yourself and you don’t have that indication of where the downbeat of one is, but once you get playing you can kind of get into the groove, so it’s like… then we’re going to switch to just an A5 power chord. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our third finger and we’re going to move it from being on the ninth fret of the D string to the ninth fret of the G string and then our first finger is going to go to the seventh fret of the D string and we’re gonna play that again, and two, and then on the and of two we’re just gonna barre the seventh fret of the D and G string and it’s the same timing…
Subscriber Riff-3 – Calling Dr Love – KISS
All right then the last subscriber riff to look at is Calling Dr Love by KISS. So this is pretty easy and just uses a bunch of open chords that I’m sure you already know. It has an E and a G, a D and an A. So we start off we have a quarter note on the downbeat of one, so it’s like one, two, three and then on the and of three we hit the E again; so it’s one, two, three and then on the downbeat of four we just do we just do an upstroke of the first two strings, the high E and the B string open and then on the and of four we switch to a G. So that G is on the and of four and then it’s tied to the downbeat of one of the next measure, so again it gets that same full beat duration that the E had and then we have a half note rest so we rest on the and of one, the downbeat of two and beat three we’re down B to three and then on the and of three we hit the G again… Now when we hit that G again we’re gonna do that same thing and four and on the and of four a D major chord, and again it’s on the and of four but it’s tied to the downbeat of one of the next measure, so the timing just stays the same throughout each chord. So and one and two three and four to an A and one and two three and four and then it starts over again…
All right so there you have it, the seventh installment of subscriber requested riffs. So like I said earlier if you have suggestions for riffs that you’d like to see covered in the series leave them down in the comments. So if you like this subscriber requested riffs lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching subscriber requested riffs 7.0 and have a great day.