Learn to play 3 more fun and easy riffs by Led Zeppelin. In this fourth installment Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman, aka Uncle D, gives step by step video instruction and with the free included tabs you’ll be rockin’ these classic Zeppelin riffs tonight!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson and today I’ve got three more riffs for you from Led Zeppelin.
Right now GuitarControl.com is giving away a free chord chart, there’s a link down in the description where you can get yours. It’s a free download, it’s in PDF format, and every chord that you could ever need all neatly organized into one location. So you can print it off, you can put it where you practice, throw it in your gig bag; so you can have any chord you could ever need at a glance in any situation.
So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at these.
Led Zeppelin Riff-1 – The Lemon Song
All right so the first one we’re going to look at is the riff from The Lemon Song. We’re going to be playing the B string open; so I’m playing the E string, so the low E string. So I play the low E string with my pick, but then I play the B string with my second finger. So we’ve got the open low E, one and, and then for two and, it’s the fourth fret on the low E string, three and is the fifth fret and then on the downbeat of four it’s the seventh fret on the low E string and then you slide up to nine for the and of four… And then after that we’re going to go to an E7 with a nine, it’s like the Hendrix chord… So I’m on the seventh fret of the A string with my second finger, the sixth fret of the D string with my first finger and then the seventh fret of the G string with my third finger and the eighth fret of the B string with my fourth finger… so that first measure… And then we come into this on this E9 right on the downbeat of one of the second measure; so it’s like one, we rest on two, the and of two we hit this again… and then you hit it and you like slide up and slide out of it or just slide out of it…
Led Zeppelin Riff-2 – The Ocean
All right so the next we’re going to look at is the riff from The Ocean. So this one is made up just entirely of single notes and we start off on the D string and put our first finger on the fifth fret and we’re going to do a hammer-on to the seventh fret, but we don’t want; if you notice the fives, the first two fives anyway on the D string on the first measure of this you see that the font of the number is smaller and then if you look at the notation it’s smaller. So this is just like a like a ghost note, so if you think of it like if you were doing like a slide from nowhere, but you hit this note, but you hammer simultaneously; so this doesn’t get counted, so we’ve got… So we start on the five hammer to the seven, we do that twice, then we’re back to five, then to the seventh fret of the A string with your third finger and then the eighth fret of the low E string with your fourth finger… and then we rest for the last two beats. Okay and then starting on the second measure we’re starting on the fifth fret of the A string and we go five to the seventh fret with your third finger, to the fifth fret of the D string; so it’s like… then we do that same thing again, except this time we go to the seventh fret of the D string, then we come to the fourth fret of the A string to that seventh fret of the D string again… And then to the fifth fret of the A string to the seventh fret and then it just starts over again…
Led Zeppelin Riff-3 – The Immigrant Song
All right and then the final one we’re going to look at is the riff from the Immigrant Song. So this one here we’re going to first part of it is just single notes; so I’m on the second fret of the low E string with my first finger and we’re gonna hit on the downbeat of one as an eighth note and then the and of one is two sixteenth notes, so it’s like long, short short. And then on the downbeat of two we’re going to go to the fourth fret of the D string, so it’s the same note just an octave higher, so they’re both F sharps (F#), and then we come back to that, so… Then the next note it’s got the x in it, so it’s like a mute, so… and then just repeats… All right so after you do that three times… then we have an A, just a regular A major chord to an E major. So we hit this A on the on beat four, so four and then we come to this E, it’s a whole note, one two three four and we strum it again on the downbeat of the next measure and it’s a half note; so we’ve got four one two three four one two three, and then on beat four we go back to the A four and then it just repeats…
All right so there you have it, three fun and pretty easy riffs from Led Zeppelin. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.