Learn to play two killer riffs from the Jake E Lee era of Ozzy Osbourne with Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with this step by step video lesson.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you two more Ozzy Osbourne riffs, but these ones are from the Jake E Lee era and this era of Ozzie was kind of one of the shorter ones, Jake only did a couple albums with Ozzy, but it seems like this era to me kind of just gets overlooked. Everybody talks about the Rhoads era, which I really love, huge Randy Rhoads fan and the Zakk Wylde stuff, but it doesn’t seem like the Jake E Lee gets a lot of attention or praise and it’s really too bad because Jake is just a great guitar player and so many cool riffs that he did during his tenure with Ozzy. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tab so let’s get close up and take a look at these.
Jake E Lee Riff-1 – Bark At The Moon
All right so the first one I’m going to look at is the opening riff from Bark At The Moon. So we’re going to start off here we’ve got this G5 a power chord so I’m on the fifth fret of the D string with my first finger and the seventh fret of the G string with my third finger and then the eighth fret of the B string with my fourth finger and this shape is used quite a bit in this. So we start off with this and this is on the and of four and we start here and then we move right up a whole step so now we’re at seven, nine, and ten and we hit this on the downbeat of one and then we pedal the open A string palm muted throughout. So we come up to this and then we’re going to do four 16th notes and alternate picking this is the way to go so it’s like I do a downstroke and then I start this on a; down, down, up, down, up and then hit this chord again, which is A5 and then four more. Now the chord voicing changes here so we’ve got the note that’s on the B string and we’re gonna move that from the 10th fret to the eighth fret so you just put your middle finger down here on the eighth fret of the B string and then just remove your pinky and we hit those four open A’s and that chord again and then this time we’ve got six open A strings and that’s the first three measures… Now we’re going to move down to G5 where we started and hit that; one, two, three, four, and again these open A string again and they are they’re 16th notes so they’re kind of quick. Now we’re going to move down a whole step again here so now we’re at F5 and this is where things get a little bit different. So we hit this and then we hit two open A strings and then we go to this kind of a rendition of the chord from before it’s a G7; so your pinky is going to stay where it is on the sixth fret of the B string and we’re going to take your third finger and you’re going to move it from the fifth fret of the G string to the fifth fret of the B string and then you can move your index finger up so it’s on the fourth fret of the G string or just drop your second finger to get that G7 and we hit those two open A’s back to the G7 again… two open A’s and then back the G5 and then it just repeats. So if you look at your transcription you can see that starting on measure two is the beginning of a repeat and then at the end of measure five is a repeat and this has got two endings. So the first time through it you do the… now this time the second ending that instead of coming down to this F5 we stay here and we’ve got this riff. So we come down to the first fret of the A string with your first finger to the string open back to the first fret to the third fret back to the first fret open and then to the third fret of the low E string to the first fret, and that’s all eighth notes… and then the whole thing would just repeat…
Jake E Lee Riff-2 – Killer Of Giants
All right so next we’re going to look at Killer Of Giants and for this one here we’re switching to a clean tone and I didn’t take the time to go through and try to match the delay and chorus and everything the way that Jake did it, but this is kind of similar, this is just a preset that I use for my own stuff. So for this we start off we’ve got this big full really cool E5 chord; so the low E string is open and I’m on the seventh fret of the A string with my first finger, the ninth fret of the D string with my third finger and the ninth fret of the G string with my fourth finger and then the B and high E strings are open. So with this we’re going to go; 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4… then we’re going to take that shape and we’re going to move it all the way down so our first finger is on the third fret and third and fourth fingers are on the fifth fret and we’re just going to start on the on the A string and when I’m calling off those numbers it’s in reference to the strings; so, so far… and you’ll let that ring out for a whole measure and then it just does the same thing again… Okay so now starting on the fifth measure and this is the beginning of a repeat we come back up to that E5 again and then back down to that CM7 again and then back up to E5… Now we have this really crazy chord here with a big long name, that’s just not really all that important to remember, just remember where how to do it. So basically what it is that we’re going to start here on the sixth fret of the low E and do the major chord shape so I’m barring my first finger across the sixth fret, second finger is on the seventh fret of the G string, third fingers on the eighth fret of the A string and fourth fingers on the eighth fret of the D string, but the only difference is we’re going to lift our up so we’re not barring; so we’re only picking up just this low E with our first finger and now it’s six, five, four, three, one, two, three, four… All right so starting on the E5; six, five, four, three, one, two, three, four and then we go to this crazy chord here… and that’s the first two measures of the repeating part. Okay then after that we come back up here to the E5 again, down to the CM7… then we’ve got a G6. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take that same shape that we did here, but we’re gonna do it starting at the third fret, so it’s like a G major chord, but we’re just letting the high E and B strings be open, same picking pattern and then move that down a whole step and do the same thing… and then it would just repeat…
All right so there you have it, two cool riffs from the Jake E Lee era of Ozzy Osbourne. Drop down the comments to me what is your favorite riff or song or whatever from that era of Ozzy with Jake, it could be from Bark At The Moon or The Ultimate Sin. But anyway yeah just put that down there in the comments. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.