Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Dire Straits Lesson + Funny Story

hi Friend, I just got off the phone yesterday with a dude who bought one of our products. Funny story… I’ll tell you in a sec. First up: Today’s lesson is from Volume 1 of the Ultimte Guitar Song Collection… One of my favorite songs – Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits. Check it out: …


hi Friend, Let me tell you a story. Shortly after college, I was just getting started in my guitar career. I was pretty much obsessed with Hendrix and my dream was to play amazing leads and solos. Then one day, my roomate came in with a couple of his buddies and they saw me with …

Save BIG. Win BIG. Learn BIG.

hi Friend, It’s almost time. Big news and SUPER hot discount for you. Plus learn how you can win big. BIG NEWS: Ultimate Guitar Song Collection Volume 2 is coming out on Wednesday. SPECIAL LAUNCH WEEK PRICE: If you buy the DVDs in the first few days, you’ll save some big bucks. PLUS… You can …

Sneak Peek Critique

hi Friend, I think you’ll be surprised at how much you can actually learn from this 2 minute montage I just created. ANOTHER EPIC PREVIEW VIDEO Yes, it’s another compilation of scenes from the new course: Ultimate Guitar Song Collection, Volume 2. This is being released this Wednesday… No,..this is not the same preview I …

Epic (must see) preview

hi Friend, In 7 days from now… The Ultimate Guitar Song Collection Volume 2 is COMING OUT! Get excited cause it’s jam-packed with over 50 classic tracks that are guaranteed to pump new life into your playing. It’s got old classics… New hits… And everything in between. Check out the preview: EPIC PREVIEW VIDEO Plus …

Blues phrasing lesson + my new guitar!

hi Friend, Here’s a nice little tip that can help you spice up your leads. Basically, you want to start your licks on different beats. When you’re playing a blues that’s a shuffle pattern, you can come in on the 3rd beat of each 3 beat phrase. It’s an easy way to change things up. …

Confessions of a Guitar Teacher

hi Friend, I used to be kind of an ego-maniac about my guitar playing, and the funny thing is, I had no right to be! I sensed that I had a lot of potential, but I overestimated my talent and didn’t work as hard as I should have. I thought it would be cool to …

Mini Lesson: The Wild Turkey

hi Friend, A while back, perhaps 10 years ago, I was messing around on the computer and composed a piece that I called “Wild Turkey”. I don’t still have it. Probably it is lost on an old harddrive somewhere in the universe. But I ressurected the theme of it in a new lick I call …