Showing 2,014 Result(s)

How To Play Killer Bass the Easy Quick Way

Hi Friend, If you play bass guitar, or you want to playbass guitar, then I have a no-brainercourse you’re gonna love. But heck, even if you’re a regular ol’gee-tar player like me, it’s greatto be able to play some bass guitar. Why? Because you lay down some sweettracks if you make demo recordings,your own jams, …

How to Create A Sweet Exotic Chord on Guitar

Hi Friend, Here’s a sweet little exotic chordthat you can use to create a littlebit of a different sound. It’s called the “Sus 4-3”. For all you theory nerds out there,(yes I’m one of them he he ), a majorchord contains a major third, anda “normal” sus chord contains the fourth.So this chord has both! …

Blues Lesson – Stormy Monday

It’s been a few weeks. But yes, I finally filmed a newguitar lesson for you! Hope you’ve been reading all emails I’ve been sendingabout Bob Weir and Mark Karan. I’ll have samples of Mark’s new DVDs coming soon and as Isaid, you’re going to be involved in this project. Stay tuned for my next email. …

The adventure begins with mystery player

Hi Friend, I was having dinner last night and this amazing violinist was playing at the restaurant. His tone was certified awesome. So rich… I couldn’t believe it. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there… The reason I’m writing you today is to share a video from a new teacher here at Guitar Control. MYSTERY GUITARIST …

new video lesson + my thoughts on SOPA

Hi Friend, Wikipedia and other mega websites are doing a 24 hour blackout to protest SOPA. I’m gonna give you my thoughts on that in a second… But it ain’t gonna be pretty! If you really don’t care about my personal political opinions, then that’s great… I don’t mind… Instead, check out this lesson from …