Showing 2,014 Result(s)

12 SLOW, 1 FAST !

hi Friend, Got a new guitar lesson for you today. Btw, how is your weekend going? 🙂 I’m doing great — just had lunch at this new place called the White Dog Cafe, here in good ol’ Wayne PA. It was da bomb… Anyway, who cares about that, lol… Let’s talk guitar ! Whenever you’re …

Wow! Steely Dan lesson (video)

hi Friend, Boy am I excited to show you this. this is BIGGIE… Not only did I totally reshoot the original Ultimate Beginner’s Guitar Course, which I also consider the “Ultimate Guitar Song Collection” of 75 great songs… but ALSO… IN ADDITION… I shot 50 MORE SONGS… which I call the “Ultimate Guitar Song Collection …

Wailing with Doublestops (video lesson)

hi Friend, I remember years ago watching Eric Clapton on TV. He was talking about “doublestops”, which is basically playing 2 notes at once. I guess the technique came from Chuck Berry. According to Clapton, single note solos are often too “thin and noodly”. I kind of agree. (Since when is it wise to argue …

Important ALERT–> Time is running OUT<--

hi Friend, I’ll have some more lessons for you soon but just a quick alert…This is the last email I’m sending about this: The deal is almost over for Jimmy Dillon’s new course: “Acoustic Enlightenment”. If you play the acoustic — this is a MUST HAVE COURSE. Check it out: ACOUSTIC ENLIGHTENMENT You’re gonna love …

How Henry Ford can help you with guitar

hi Friend ! One of the coolest ways to create nice sounds on your electric guitar is with double stops. I didn’t have time to shoot the video this morning… But basically there’s 3 kinds of double stops you can make with the pentatonic scale. (A doublestop is a tiny 2-note-chord). I’ll have to show …

Video –> Fun, Easy Lesson: Gypsy Guitar Style

hi Friend, I’d like to share a lesson with you today that you can learn in a few minutes. First, thanks if you already ordered Acoustic Enlightenment. Here’s another sample… This is the “gypsy” jazz style. Waayyy different from what most people think of as “jazz”. If anything, it’s more gypsy. lol… Its a preview …

The best course of 2011?

hi Friend, If you play the acoustic guitar… Then READ. THIS. EMAIL. NOW. The year isn’t over — however I’m going to make a prediction. Acoustic Enlightenment is the best guitar course of 2011. It’s available a week from today — Nov 9th. If you wanna see the previews, go here: ACOUSTIC ENLIGHTENMENT Jimmy Dillon …