Welcome back! It is time for our weekly online blues guitar lessons.
Blues sounds way better with a shuffle feel. A shuffle feel is basically a triplet thing; you grab a
quarter note and an eighth note, triplet them and you have a shuffle sound. To be more specific,
count “1, 2, 3” in every beat; play the quarter for the duration of “1, 2” and the eighth for the
duration of “3”. That’s a shuffle feel.
There many other elements that put together bring a more bluesy type of sound to a riff; for
instance, a pentatonic or blues scale combined with a mixolydian scale. These 2 scales put
together sound so much like a blues scale, that it’s just impossible to get the blues sound out of
them; if you use them together, your song will sound like a blues song.
I wanna show you a great example in which we replace a normal A7 chord with a shuffle rhythm
that uses the pentatonic scale and the mixolydian scale; let’s take a look: