I got my first guitar for Christmas 2008. After the novelty wore off, I searched for some great, quick, and easy beginner guitar lessons. I realized that I was not going to improve just by playing around. So I got serious about learning chords and guitar tablature. Lessons are all over the internet, but to varying qualities. Mastery of chords is essential to learning guitar. Guitar tablature lessons are the first ones I found that helped me play chords. It took me a little while of constant practice to get the fingering for just the easiest and most basic chords. Plus, my fingers got sore a lot! Guitar playing and master is not for the faint of heart. What keeps me motivated though is good beginner guitar lessons, that reassured me that I will break into the next level of my playing. I love trying to play my favorite rock songs. It’s a lifetime challenge, it really is. Take it from a newbie. 🙂