Win a Bob Weir autographed guitar

Bob himself set up this guitar… here he is with his trusty set of Allen wrenches…

Mark’s credentials include playing
lead guitar for Bob Weir (of the Grateful Dead)
for the past 12 years.

And Yes!

Bob signed a guitar for us… Actually
we worked with Bob and Blue Star Music Camp.
We paid a LOT of money for this guitar…

Because we always like helping out the kids…


We wanted to do something especially cool to kick off
the Mark Karan launch and give an extra
special bonus to one lucky buyer of

“Secrets of the Jam Masters”.


here’s the scoop on this will go down.

The guitar will actually be raffled off.

As I mentioned, we already made a huge
donation to Blue Star just to get the guitar,
so your participation helps us in that effort.

The first buyer of the course will get 100 free raffle
tickets and have the best chance of winning the guitar.

The next buyer will get 99 free raffle tickets, and
so on…

So speed wins… Gives you the best chance of winning
this guitar that by virtue of Bob’s autograph , gives
it extra mojo power…

(and makes it pretty valuable too)

Thanks Bob!

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