How To Play Two Note Per String Pentatonic Sweeping Lick in G#m On Lead Guitar

Two Note Per String Pentatonic Sweeping Lick in G#m - Lead Guitar Lesson on Pentatonic Licks

Two Note Per String Pentatonic Sweeping Lick in G#m -- Lead Guitar Lesson on Pentatonic Licks

Hey, guys. How’s it going? This is Gaby Soule
with and today I want to show
you this pentatonic lick in the key of G sharp minor.

This like is entirely played with the G sharp
minor pentatonic scale using the first position.
What I’m doing is I’m playing groups of five
notes, descending five notes. I’m sweeping them.
So I will show you note by note what I’m doing.

I’m starting on the 1st string and I’m making a
pull-off from the 7th to the 4th fret, like this.
Then I’m doing an upstroke in the 2nd string in
the 4th fret and another upstroke in the 3rd string
in the 6th fret and I’m pulling-off to the 4th fret.
So the first group of five notes goes like this. Okay?

You can play the first note with a downstroke and
the rest of them: downstroke, pull and up, up and
another pull. So that would be the picking pattern.
And, of course, the legato pattern, too.

The same thing, now I repeat that from the 2nd
string to the 4th string, like this. That would
be a pull-off from the 7th fret of the 2nd string
this time to the 4th fret, like this. And now
I’m playing the 4th fret of the 3rd string with
an upstroke and in the 6th fret of the 4th string
with another upstroke and this time I’m making a
pull-off from the 6th to the 4th fret of the 4th
string. That would be the 2nd group. The first
group; second group.

Now, the third group goes from the 3rd string
to the 5th string and I’m doing a pull-off again,
this time from the 6th fret of the 3rd string to
the 4th. That will be with a downstroke and now
I’m playing in the 4th string with an upstroke
in the 4th fret and in the 5th string with an
upstroke in the 6th fret as well to the 4th fret.
That is the third group. Down, pull-off, up, up,

The last one goes from the 4th string to the low
E and it starts here in the 6th fret. I’m doing
it like this with a downstroke from the 6th fret,
then I pull-off to the 4th fret. Now up in the 4th
fret of the 5th string and up in the 7th fret of
the low E and I pull-off to the 4th fret like that.
So the last group goes like this. Okay?

So all together: the first group; 2nd.
Slowly, all together.

So that’s today’s lesson’s lick. I hope you
guys will have a lot of fun playing it. Remember
that you can get the tabs by clicking in the video
description below. Thank you very much for watching,
again, and see you next time. Bye bye.

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