Hey Friend,
Its fun to be a guitarist.
I remember being at summer camp
(way back in the day) and one of
the kids had a guitar.
Everyone was singing along and I
secretly thought it would be cool
if *I* was the one playing.
So I had some interest but I never
realized how EASY it could be to
learn this instrument.
I’ll admit, my secret motivation to learn guitar
was probably to impress the girls. I don’t
think you can blame for me that
Well, since then, I’m happy to report that
I’ve impressed at least a girl or two with my skills.
I’ve played in bars and its a great feeling
to watch pretty women dancing to the sound
of the band while you crank out some seriously
soulful leads and solos.
I dunno if that’s your goal. Maybe its not.
Maybe you’re inspired for a different reason.
And it doesn’t really matter. We can start
out being motivated one thing and continue
to play guitar out for other things.
Whatever your motivation is for learning guitar,
it can’t be a bad thing.
Ok, maybe if you have some evil plan to take
over the world through the guitar, it could be bad.
But you wouldn’t do that, would you?
Anyway…. you don’t have to take over the world,
you can just take over your own world. And
if that includes becoming an awesome guitarist,
here’s my top 2 recommendations:
1. Grab Killer guitar control secrets.
It will help you play from the heart.
Really. (guitarcontrol.com/main.php)
2. Virtuoso Guitar Secrets.
If you’re really dedicated and you want
serious chops, this course will help you
get there. (www.virtuosoguitarsecrets.com/main.php)
I hope all your secret wishes come true.
Keep rockin and have a great week.
Claude “Guitar Man” Johnson
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