Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Wildest artificial harmonics EVER

Hello Friend, The other day I mentioned some bizarre guitar secrets. Well, they have arrived. Today, I’d like to show you a video from one of the greatest jazz guitar legends of our time. Do me a favor, visit the new blog, check out the video, and PLEASE, post your comment! I love to …

Bizarre guitar secrets…

Friend, Wow — I just watched some of the most advanced, bizarre, mind-blowing guitar secrets I’ve ever watched. Seriously — I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve never seen anything like this. Yup – my jaw is still on the floor. I’m hoping to have these secrets in your hands in the …

Happy Birthday to…

Friend, Well its official… I’m gettin old. Just celebrated my 36th birthday yesterday, and to be honest with you, it wasn’t that much of a celebration. Kind of my own fault as I didn’t plan that much. And what I did have planned fell through as I was outside in the freezing cold for 30 …

Happy Birthday to…

Friend, Well its official… I’m gettin old. Just celebrated my 36th birthday yesterday, and to be honest with you, it wasn’t that much of a celebration. Kind of my own fault as I didn’t plan that much. And what I did have planned fell through as I was outside in the freezing cold for 30 …

Don’t let ANYTHING take away your joy

hi Friend, Well I was upset the other day because the airline companies are lame. They stressed me out trying to deal with them on the phone. But I’m greatful for that experience because I woke the next day and I said to myself… “Claude, why are you letting yourself get all bent out of …

Sleepless in Philly

hey Friend, TGIF Yo… I’m tired as heck… Couldn’t get to bed last night at a reasonable hour cause I was up workin on somethin for you! It’s on my blog, go check it out. I’ve gotten great feedback all month long on my blog posts so if you haven’t checked out, you’re missing …

2 ways to play FAST guitar licks

Hey Friend, Got another cool guitar tip for you today. I think you’ll dig this one because it has to do with playing fast. Hey, everybody wants to play fast right? Well, ok not everybody…BUT… It’s FUN to play fast… and plus you get bragging rights too…lol… Well, there’s many ways to build speed. I …