Showing 2,014 Result(s)

you’ll feel better after hearing this rockstar

Hey Friend, I just got an email from Silvio Gazquez, our “resident virtuoso” electric guitarist. He’s written a new song and entered it into the 2009 Guitar Idol Contest. Check it out: Wanted to share this song with you, and ask your help in wishing Silvio good luck this year in winning the contest. …

“You are a genius!”

Hey Friend, It’s not every day that I’m called a “genius”. However, today is one of these days… Here’s the email I got: ========================== First of all I just wanted to say thank you Mr. Johnson! This scale system is great for anyone on any level of expertise, and knowing how much it has helped …

Improve on the guitar in the next 24 hours

Hey Friend, Sometimes you don’t need “endless hours of boring practice” to go to the next level. Sometimes it just takes a new tool… A new system… a new paradigm… and BOOM: you’ve jumped to the next level. That happened to Joe Griffin… Here’s what he just emailed me: ========================== My names is Joe and …

Claude 2.0 wants to connect deeper with you

Hi Friend, Everyone’s talking about this new “web 2.0”. I guess I’m behind the times. People have been asking me for 2 years: “Claude, when are ya gonna get a MySpace page?” Well, I finally set myself up MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. Check it out: Also, I want to share with you …

Isn’t Sarah precious?

Hi Friend, I just wanted to share with you some family news. My brother got married last year and recently had a baby girl with his wife, which means… I’m officially an Uncle 🙂 She’s 6 months old now. I just wanted to share this pic with you, of the baby with yours truly. …


A Wild True Story About Mortal Combat, Million-dollar Research And Becoming a Guitar God VERY, VERY Fast… By Virtuwul Hey folks, This is Claude’s good friend, Virtuwul… And I want to share a personal information and I think you’ll be surprised how it will impact your guitar playing. It started when I was 19 years …