Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Dueling Banjos + 6 cool things this month

hi Friend, Wow, I have SO much stuff to tell you that it’s gonna be hard to fit it into 1 email, but non-stop action is just how we roll here at Guitar Control… First things first: The lesson of the day. Here’s another powerful lesson from Todd Butler, showing the famous “Dueling Banjos” and …

People have been asking me for years…

hi Friend, Ok first I wanna share some exciting personal news. My wife just passed the bar and is now licenced to practice law. So don’t mess with me 🙂 Jk lol…not that you would. In all seriousness, its a huge accomplishment and I’m very proud of her and happy her career is moving forward. …

The final hurrah

hi Friend, Hope you enjoyed my last email with the Bruno Mars lesson. I’m cooking up another groovy lesson for you and I’ll share it plus some personal news in the next one. For today: It’s the end of the line. It’s your last chance to make a final stand. A stand against guitar boredom… …

The craziest guarantee in the business

hi Friend, Hope you’re having a stellar weekend and I want to let you know that I have a real treat for you next week in your inbox. But TODAY: I have a big announcement to make. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but recently I’ve created the craziest guarantee and offer in …