Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Tensions are high

hi Friend, It’s a little tense here in the house. My wife is studying for the bar exam which is coming up very soon and its certainly a big ordeal. I’m just trying to maintain the peace… I have to retreat to the sanctity of my office/studio and get lost in my guitar… Heck, who …

Jamming onstage with Zappa

hi Friend, Hope you had a nice V-day with someone special yesterday… If you’re lonely, don’t forget what the great blues guitarist Albert King said: “There’s a lot of beautiful things going on in this world you just have to hang in there and be tough” 🙂 BTW….Congrats to the winners of the Boogie Blues …

Time’s up!

hi Friend, What do the following artists have in common: Dave Matthews, Alicia Keys, Phish, Faith Hill, Ben Harper, Damian Marley, Miley Cyrus… Well, they are all promoted by Red Light Management, one of the most innovative artist management companies in the industry. The cool thing is, RLM is about to promote Jonathon “Boogie” Long! …

The END of this killer bargain is near.

hi Friend, All good things good to an end. Sunsets… epic movies… And Boogie Magic’s launch special. This means: If you buy now, you will claim some sweet savings. BOOGIE BLUES MAGIC ——– On a side note, I just posted ANOTHER lesson on my blog… Kind of a follow-up to yesterday’s lesson. MINI GUITAR LESSON …

Legato Lick – Guitar Exercise w/ Tabs and Video

Hi guitar friends! Many guitarists believe that usinghammer-ons and pull-offs are easierthan picking every note. Well, that’s only half true. When you’re not picking, your lefthand has to do all the work… Thegood news is that you can reallybuild up some ferocious chops ifyou work on it. You can really build some ferocious chops working …

How to Play This Legato Lick and Build Your Guitar Chops

hi Friend, Unless you just got your first guitarthis week, you probablyknow what “Hammer ons” and“pull offs” are… Hey if you ARE a “noob”, thenCONGRATS on getting started.Guitar is the greatest adventurein the world!!! Please check out my Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course! ULTIMATE BEGINNER GUITAR COURSE Now, if you’re a bit more advanced,you’re gonna love …

10 reasons to get freaking excited

hi Friend, Tomorrow is the big day. The biggest blues guitar course of the year. Bookmark this link: BOOGIE BLUES MAGIC Boogie Blues Magic comes from guitarist Jonathon “Boogie” Long… Here’s 10 reasons why you should order tomorrow: Reason #1: “Boogie” is the winner of the 2011 Guitar Center King of the Blues contest. Plus …