Legato Lick – Guitar Exercise w/ Tabs and Video

Hi guitar friends!

Many guitarists believe that using
hammer-ons and pull-offs are easier
than picking every note.

Well, that’s only half true.

When you’re not picking, your left
hand has to do all the work… The
good news is that you can really
build up some ferocious chops if
you work on it.

You can really build some ferocious chops working on exercises like this.

BTW… Please don’t be intimidated by the speed here — I wasn’t born playing
fast, I had to practice too! Just be patient and work on your guitar
practicing consistently, the chops will come!

Here’s the tab — don’t forget, NO PICKING! only hammer ons and pull-offs here.

Hey, guys. Claude Johnson with guitarcontrol.com. How’s it going? Today I
want to show you a legato lick and these licks can be a little bit challenge.

I noticed some of you guys are saying, hey, legato. Hey, Claude, isn’t
that easy, because I don’t have to use my picking hand? Well, yeah,
that is true. Most of the time in legato what we’re talking about is
hammer-ons and pull-offs. However because we’re not using our picking
hand, the left hand really has to work harder to get the notes, as
you’ll see in this lick. So here’s the lick of the day. So slow, that’s…

What we’re doing here is we’re winding our way down the A major scale
using this three note per string pattern. Let’s just go to the pattern first.

We starts on the 5th fret, low E string. That’s your A note.
Then you go 5-7-9 and then again, 5-7-9. Then up to the D string,
you’re going to go 6-7-9. And then on the G string again, 6-7-9.
Learn that pattern. That’s the scale shape that we’re working on.

This lick, we’re going to start with kind of a hammer-on
from nowhere on the 6th fret of the G string. So we’re going
to start 6-7-9, hammer up the string and back, like pull-off
going back. The first part will be this.

Then we’re going to go down to our D string with our pinkie and
we’re going to do a hammer-on out of nowhere. It’s kind of different
than a normal hammer-on. Normally we’re hammering-on, we’ve already
got one of our fingers on the string. So this one you’re just
hammering it on to the D string, even though we haven’t played
there yet. Again, you’re going to go down and back up the D string.

Now, here’s the trickiest part. We’re going to go back up to the G
string and it’s a little bit trickier when you’re going to a higher
string and hammering-on. You really have to forcefully hammer that.
Going back up and then down. Please check the tabs because there’s a
lot of notes in this lick. So check the link in the video description
if you’re watching this on YouTube. Make sure you’ve checked the tabs.

So far we have this… Then we’re going to go down to our A string.
We’re going to go down and back up the A string. And then
finally… So real slow, once again.

Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to check the tabs and I’m
looking forward to talking to you guys soon. Over and out

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