Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Blues Webinar Tonight!

Hi Friend, I’m excited because tonight (Tuesday), we’re doing a webinar with Jimmy Dillon and he’ll reveal his latest “blues tree” and share some awesome stories and revelations about blues and blues guitar. 8 PM EST. Grab your popcorn and grab your seat here: ROCKIN’ THE BLUES WEBINAR By the way, I got a nice …

Introducing the poor man’s shred

Hi Friend, I want to show you a lead guitar lick that is fast and flashy but you DON’T need mindblowing chops to play it. I call it the “poor man’s shred” lol… Because its like a junior version of real shred guitar that requires serious picking chops. Instead, we will rely on some easy …

Jimmy jams with who?? whaa?? – amazing pics

hi Friend, Oh man… this is not your ordinary, everyday “Claude email”… I want to show you some pics that Jimmy Dillon just sent me this week. He’s rocking out with some seriously famous dudes like they were neighborhood jam buddies. It’s amazing. Gotta see this… JIMMY DILLON JAMS WITH R.W. and D.C. If you …

Challenge of the modern day guitarist

hi Friend, I’m about to sit down for a practice session here and working on my picking chops. You know, one thing I’ve learned in life is that people tend to have similar experiences. So if I’m struggling with something, chances are good that many people feel the same thing. One thing that I struggle …

how i deal with stress

hi Friend, TGIF … its been a heck of a week over here in my corner of the universe. Kinda stressed but nothin the Johnsonater can’t handle. Actually the guitar helps me “deal” a lot of times. Helps me take my mind to a place of inspiration and away from the mundane and “boggeries” of …