Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Chet Atkins Made Easy??

hi Friend, Murphy’s law strikes again! Just when I got my new camera settings figured out, one of the 650W bulbs on my new lights burned out. DOH! Yes, I know you want more videos from the Claudester… And you’ll get em’… 🙂 But in the meantime, I have a really nice video from Sol …

The GUN to the head technique

hey Friend, A few years ago one of my mentors taughtme something powerful… He calls it: “The gun to the head technique”. And it goes like this… “If I put a gun to your head and told you:you have to play something that’s going toblow people away or I’ll blow your brains out— what would …

Join the new (old) community

hi Friend, I would like to give you a very warm welcome to our new Guitar Community. Actually, it’s not new — its one of the oldest guitar communities on the net. I’m talking about What IS new… is that we’re going to be integrating “G-NET” together with what we’re doing here at Guitar …

Do you know these blues basics?

hi Friend, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. That’s my whacky quote for the day. What does it have to do with guitar or anything? ABSOLUTEY NOTHING! I just like being silly. 🙂 Listen, I am SOO glad to be with you today as we connect through cyberspace…. I wanna share a quick blues …

Lively Chord Strumming

Now we’re going to talk about some pick rhythms using a flat pick. This is going to be a different style. I want to move to a major key. We’re going to go for, I guess, kind of like a basic country sound in the key of G. I’m going to show you how you …

Lively chord strums + fighting monkeys

hi Friend, I’d like to share with you an experience I had on Sunday… Before I jump into it — I would like to also mention that Sol uploaded another cool lesson to the blog: “Lively Chord Strumming” shows you one of the simplest, most powerful and effective ways to lively up a simple chord …

2 easy acoustic licks

hi Friend, The Johnsonater here… Man its good to be back home. Home from where?? Well, I’ll share my epic roadtrip pictures and along with some cool stories including “the tale of the bald peanut”. Today I’d like to give you 2 easy acoustic licks that sound great together. They’re from Sol and part of …

TWEET! I’m going crazzzzy….

hi Friend, Yup — I’ve got 1 speed, 1 gear: GO! And I’m GOing crazy with social media. We got over 11,000 followers on Facebook as I type this. Here’s the link in case you missed it: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK And now I’m on Twitter. Please follow me because I’m going to TWEET, TWEET, …

Third time’s the charm

hi Friend, Couple days ago i just got back from a long road trip. I actually went on a special mission to film a very special guitarist. He could be an icon. More on that soon… I guess i’m still tired from the road so im glad my friend Kenny has been helpin out with …