Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Try this rhythm guitar trick

hi Friend, Happy Monday – rah rah. I don’t want to nag, but haveyou been practicing guitar? I ask because I have lately…And I love makingprogress! My lead guitar chops are coming along. It’s nothing out of the ordinary – I’m workingon your basic pentatonic and diatonic scales,but getting them up to HIGH SPEED BABY. …

What do you think about Flamenco Guitar ? (video)

Friend, It’s your ol’ guitar pal Claude Johnson here. If you’ve been on my email list for while, you know I’m always exploring new guitar styles. I’m a man on a mission — dedicated to serving up new sounds for your listening and learning pleasure. Here’s the latest, greatest thing I’ve found: Flamenco Guitar. I’ll …

Armless Pianist from China is an Inspiration

This guy is a true inspiration!     He decided nothing was going to stop him from being what he wanted to become. I think that in order to do anything special, you have to have “vision”… At least believe it might be *possible* in your mind… Get clear on the result you desire. Then …

Here is a must-know guitar lick

hi Friend, It is Wednesday morning and I’m sitting in my office writing you this email. For some reason, I feel fantastic today. I’m really looking forward to playing some guitar later on. Let me share with you a cool guitar lick. Hopefully it will put a smile on your face as well 🙂 Actually …

A no-brainer move if you dig the blues

hi Friend, Ok, so Tomorrow is a big day. Not just cause its Friday. Sure, that’s always cool too… But I’m talking about the release of our new guitar DVD course with Jimmy Dillon. It’s called “Rockin the Blues & Slide Guitar”. To get some sample lessons, just check out the blog at I …