Showing 2,014 Result(s)

To the guitar skeptics (video)

hi Friend, There will be always be the skeptics and the doubters. The other day, some guitarist told , “If you want to get better, just practice”. Well, sure, practice is an important, but how much you will get out of your practice depends on a few factors. Your level of focus is important, and …

Please collect your Gift Of The Month

Santa Claude is back… At least until next Monday night. You’ve got 3 new rock guitar jam tracks waiting for you. There’s no strings attached. Just go download them before we take them down. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll find them there. Rock on!Claude Johnson P.S. This is basically …

New video + 60 new FREE jam tracks

Friend, Yes I have a new video for you today featuring one of our new jam tracks. You can never have too many jam tracks to play over. New, fresh tracks = fresh inspiration. And inspiration’s what its all about baby! Seriously, its the backing track which makes lead guitar fun and exciting. So, in …

I escaped the mafia!

Friend, WOW… Thank God! And Thank YOU! After seeing “the love” that you guys sent… Uncle Tony decided to let me out of the trunk of his stinky old black cadillac. Thank the Lord! Anyways — I’ve made “special arrangements” with Tony and the rest of his crew. BECAUSE I AM TONY. Yup — it …

I’m scared crapless…

Friend, Right now — I’m scared. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this freaked out. A few nights ago, I was hanging out at a bar and I met this “dark italian dude” who calls himself “Tony”. And Tony seemed friendly… TOO friendly. When I told him I’m about to launch a new site …

Sharing Hendrix with Dad

Friend, Hope your weekend is going well. I thought I’d just share a quick story with you. Last weekend, I took a drive with my father from Philly to Washington DC, where my brother lives. We were dropping off my little niece Sara. Sara is now 19 months old… I can’t believe it. Time keeps …

Last Chance For Fusion Chops

Hi Friend, I hope you’ve been enjoying the fusion package. It’s one of my personal favorites as far as fun and effective guitar practice. What’s that you say? You didn’t grab your copy yet? Well, what are you waiting for? The promo with the free shipping ends tomorrow…And the price might go up too… So …

Your fusion guitar chops

Hi Friend, I hope you’ve been enjoying the fusion package.It’s one of my personal favorites as faras fun and effective guitar practice. What’s that you say? You didn’t grab yourcopy yet? Well, what are you waiting for? The promo with the free shipping ends onThursday…And the price might go uptoo… So now’s the best time …