How to Begin Your Guitar Lessons

Beginning guitar lessons is the first step to seriously learning how to play the guitar. Of course there are many self-taught players out there, but there’s a good chance it took them a lot longer to learn their craft. A year with a solid guitar teacher can make you as good as a guitarist who has been playing for 3 or 4 years who learned on their own.

So how do you find a good teacher? In my opinion, a good teacher is also a good player. When you Google teachers online, check their site if they have any clips of their playing. If they don’t, send along an email asking for it. If the clip that you hear impresses you, then that is a good sign that you can learn a lot from this teacher. Another thing to look for with a teacher is the type of style you want to learn. If you are more interested in classical, find a teacher that is trained in that area. Same goes for if you are interested in blues or folk. has some great courses for learning guitar in many different styles.

Guitar Control Courses

When you do start your first lessons, you can expect to learn some basic chords, how to read tablature, and strumming patterns. To get the most from your lessons, it is important that you are practicing what you learned between your lessons in order to get better. Remember, practice is key to getting you to become a good guitar player. But don’t worry, it won’t feel like work after a couple of months. Once you get the hang of it, it will feel more like fun than anything else.

If you are unable to spend money on a guitar lessons, there are many ways you can learn the guitar for free. For example, YouTube has many videos of guitar lessons ranging from complete beginners to even the most advanced techniques. This is a great way to save on cash and still excel.

Guitar Control has a great YouTube channel with hundreds of free guitar lessons.

Guitar Control YouTube channel

I will leave you with one final note. It is important that you have a guitar of your own to practice on if you are taking lessons. There is no sense in beginning guitar lessons if the only time you are playing is at the actual lesson. You will never get good this way. So find a good guitar that speaks to you, play it as often as you can, and you will be well on your way!

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