NOW AVAILABLE! Eclectic Electric Guitar II with Jimmy Dillon
folks, biggest product release of the year! Jimmy Dillon’s: “Eclectic Electric Guitar Volume II” is now available! CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT IT OR ORDER NOW!
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folks, biggest product release of the year! Jimmy Dillon’s: “Eclectic Electric Guitar Volume II” is now available! CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT IT OR ORDER NOW!
We went from kind of the purple blues to the bright gold of full-fledged, full-flight rock and roll here. This is a really fun piece. I actually get to play Elvis in Ascension of the Blues in one of the productions and that was really fun. It’s funny how you put on an outfit, you …
Whether or not you’re a blues purist, it’s good to know about blues guitar because every other contemporary music style (Rock, Jazz, Country, Metal, etc) all came from the blues. In today’s video clip, I want to share with you a sampling from one of the lessons on Jimmy Dillon’s new course: Eclectic Electric II. …
Hey folks! Here’s an awesome tree Jimmy created for us, outlining some of HIS most important influences for Electric Guitar. Please note its *his* favorites, not necessarily an “encyclopedic” tree CLICK HERE TO GET A FULL SIZE VERSION OF THE TREE Also, we recorded a cool teleseminar about this tree specifically… here’s a recording of …
This is sample lesson from Eclectic Electric II, set to be released on December 5. It’s part of a lesson that Jimmy calls “What’s old is New”… A classic Eric Clapton tune (Old Love) is decoded and Jimmy shows us not only the chords but how to spice it up with some Hendrix-style embellishments. To …
I’ve got a tasty lesson for you today from Jimmy Dillon. We are gearing up for his latest, greatest publication – Eclectic Electric II. Yes, II as in “2”… This will be the 6th Jimmy Dillon course. We keep filming him because he really keeps on delivering the goodies. Today’s lesson is no exception. Check …
Our most popular guitar instructor for the past couple years (excluding me of course HAHA)… … has been Jimmy Dillon. Actually I just got off the phone with Jimmy — he’s excited about beating out Sammy Hagar for this year’s Milley award. I guess they are doing a big gig this weekend to celebrate with …