Hey guys,
Here´s another sample of my new lead guitar course…
Lead Guitar Lesson – Create Exciting Guitar Solos With Pivot Notes
One of the most effective and powerful ways to create texture
is pivoting. For example, what I was just playing… What I’m
doing here is pivoting off of this A note, which is our root.
So I’m playing the A, then I’m playing the D, then I’m playing
the A again, and then I’m playing the C. So we have A, D, A, C.
Notice on this one I’m doing that little quarter-note bend. You
can either bar it, like I was doing, or you can use two fingers.
And you can get some really cool sounds when you start moving
these pivots around and having different pivot notes.
So here’s like a classic pattern that I found myself playing.
Something like this. We’re starting here, pivoting on the E
note, sliding down and then pivoting off our A note. Now we
could theoretically kind of pivot on every string, something
like this. So why does this one sound so much more musical?
Well, I think it’s because we’re only doing the pivots when
there’s like a 4th interval between the notes. So what I’m
doing here — and then I’m actually sliding — this is kind
of like a connecting note. And then I start my next pattern.
Again, here, it’s the same fourth pattern.
But then, instead of doing this one… I’m just going to slide
using, again, a connecting note and then I’m doing this one.
So try to mix that up. Don’t always do it exactly like that.
You can throw in other licks.