Hey, how’s it going this is Jon McLennan with Guitar Control, in this lesson I’m going to break down some Angus Young style licks.
This solo is in the key of G and most of the scale choices come from the G minor pentatonic which is a lot of times a great option for a rock sound so Angus begins here by bending the 3rd string 5th fret up a whole step then you take your first finger and you smash down across the 1st and 2nd strings at the 3rd fret and you pluck the 1st string, then the 2nd string, the 6th fret bend on the 3rd string, 5th fret then 3, 5 and that’s 3rd string.
What’s true basically I’ve got that opening lick to the solo then you descend pentatonic like this all the way down to the root, the little pause in between so it doesn’t quite sound like pure scale then jumps up to a double stop which again I’m just smashing my first finger down on the 3rd and 2nd strings then I play that note 5th fret 4th string twice and go back up double stops and if I can I lift them a little bit just to get them kind of blues doubt bending, then it slides up 7, 6, 6, 3rd strings 2nd string that’s just a sequence now in this position I like to call the BB box, BB king style you bend the 10th fret on the 2nd string and as you take your pinky and grab the 1st string. It’s actually a great kind of cool country sounding leg but in our context if I play both those notes with a pick and add a lot of distortion it sounds classic rock then it goes 11th fret, 10th fret, and you end way up here on the 15, 16, 18th fret bending a whole step on the 2nd string. Angus Young if you’re talking about rock and roll guitar it doesn’t get much better so don’t forget to subscribe on our You Tube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video lessons, thanks for watching.
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