Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Last Chance for D.D. Blues + Gambale Story

Hi Friend, It’s another day in the life… What’s good today? I want to tell you about a story I heard recently about a great guitarist. I’m talking about a guy named Frank Gambale. One of the greatest guitarists alive. Also known as the “Thunder from Down Under” He’s the guy who practically invented sweep …

My Accident

Hi Friend, Ok, so get this: Last week, I’m in my car, driving on I-76 toward Philly… Minding my own business… and WHAM! Someone crashses into me from behind. The good news is that there were no serious injuries. Still, my back feels a little funky. Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people …


Hi Friend, If you already scooped up your copy of Deep Delta Blues, Thanks! If you haven’t checked this out yet, it’s pretty cool. Maybe even funny: DEEP DELTA BLUES Stay tuned because I’ll have a cool video from yours truly in the next email. And after that, some big announcements. Stay frosty, Claude Johnson …

This guitarist is the MAN, literally!

Hey Friend, Who da man? No, I’m not talking ME lol… although some people are really happy with all the blog lessons i’ve been posting recently. No, I’m actually talking about instructor Woody Mann. He’s one of 4 great intstructors that are decoding 6 of the all time legends of delta blues/acoustic blues/country blues guitar. …

extremely juicy guitar

Hey Friend, I just released another “Deep Delta Blues” video today. Woo hoo! 🙂 It’s in the style of the late, great Blind Boy Fuller. BLIND BOY FULLER GUITAR LESSON I think you’ll find the instruction is extremely clear! Of course, with the tabs it will be even more easy to learn from. I want …

5 ways to be happy right now

Hey Friend, Ok here’s the scoop — I just recorded 5 new guitar video lessons and I was going to title this email something boring like “5 new video lessons”… Then I thought I would be clever and tell you its really 5 ways to be happy! RAH RAH 🙂 AND THEN i thought… why …