Showing 2,014 Result(s)

How to Play Chords With An Acoustic Guitar

hi Friend, So yesterday’s bowling adventurewent well… Scored a 120 whichfor me is decent. It’s funny cause the guyin the next lane was obsessedwith the Big Lebowski andwas even calling his daughters“Smokey” and “Donny”… giveme a break! lmao… If you didn’t see that movie,check it out sometime, its a “cult favorite”. For right now I …

Easy Way To Connect Chords On Acoustic Guitar

hi Friend, If you’re a fan of the Big Lebowski like me, you’ll appreciate the fact I plan to do some bowling today…hehe Now please grab your guitar… cause I got a cool lesson for you. It’s from Jimmy Dillon’s new course “Modern Acoustic Guitar”, which by the way is available THIS Wednesday. 3 DVDs …

Yngwie licks + Epic Prizes

hi Friend, In his own words, “the day Jimi Hendrix died, the guitar-playing Yngwie was born”. Yngwie Malmsteen was just 7 years old when he saw a TV special on TV about the death of Hendrix. The rest is history. I’d like to help you capture a little bit of Yngwie’s guitar magic with the …

How To Play Reggae Guitar Using Simple Chords

hi Friend, I have a really tasty guitar lesson for you today. It’s from Jimmy Dillon, from his new “Modern Acoustic Guitar” DVD course, which by the way will be released in exactly 2 weeks. Now, in this course, Jimmy covers a lot of ground: reggae, ska, funk, blues, rock, singer-songwriter stuff, you name it. …