Hey guys,
In today’s video you’ll learn the “darker side” – the minor key of Reggae.
To me its just as beautiful as the major sound.
Just get ready to learn a killer simple chord progression
and strumming pattern plus some other hot tips.
You can get the complete DVDs with tabs on April 24th.
That’s in 2 short weeks! Stay tuned!
I want you guys to get familiar with all up and
down the neck, playing these different voicings.
This is what makes it interesting rhythmically.
We’re talking about rhythm guitar right now;
we’re not not so much into lead. By the way,
I think rhythm guitar is the most important
thing about playing guitar, is playing good
rhythm. Because if your rhythm sucks, you suck.
Talk to anybody that plays in a band, they want
a good rhythm player. They don’t want a guy that
just plays a lot of notes. So if you’ve got that
great rhythm that makes people get up and dance
and feel the music… You’re going to work. The
phone is going to ring, as my good friend Michael
Peloquin says. And you want the phone to ring.