Learn to play these 3 easy acoustic guitar song intros with Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with this free killer guitar lesson.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you how to play three cool acoustic intros, famous intros from popular songs. Now so by the title and by what I just said and you can see I’m using an electric guitar because I am having a little bit of a technical difficulty on my acoustic guitar that I just discovered this morning so I cannot use it; so I’m going to be just doing it on the electric guitar with a clean tone, but it sounds good either way, but some of these were actually on an acoustic guitar. So be sure to click on the link in description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at 3 Easy Acoustic Guitar Song Intros.
Acoustic Intro-1 – More Than A Feeling
So the first Easy Acoustic Guitar Song Intro we’re going to look at is More Than A Feeling by Boston. So this is just three chords, well four if you technically count some of the changes have here. So we have D, so you just take your regular old D major chord here and we’re gonna pick the D string, the B string and then the G string. Now we’re gonna do D suspended four (Dsus4); so just put your pinky down so it’s on the third fret of the high E string and pick that so we have D, B, G, E and then you take that back off and play E, B and G except I forgot to mention that when you do that G string at the end you take your first finger off so that the G string is open and so that’s the first measure. Then we’re going to go to a C add 9 (Cadd9); so just leave your third finger where it is here on the third fret of the B string and move your second finger to the third fret of the A string and then we’re going to go A, G, B and then you’re just going to take your first finger move it to the second fret of the A string, A, G, B and then put your second finger up onto the third fret of the low E string and then it’s E, B and that’s the second measure. So both measures together…
Acoustic Intro-2 – End Of The Line
All right so the next Easy Acoustic Guitar Song Intro we’ve got is End Of The Line by The Traveling Willburys. So this is a tad bit more complicated than the last one we looked at. This is just a a real prime example of George Harrison’s guitar playing style. So the first chord we’ve got is a G over B (G/B); so you just take the D chord and we’re going to move it up so that your first and second finger are on the seventh fret and your third finger is on the eighth fret, so I’m on the seventh fret of the G string with my first finger, eighth fret of the B string with my third and the seventh fret of the high E string with my middle finger. So the strum is down, up, down, up, down and then we come down and that’s the first measure. Then we come back up to that G/D again and we do that same strum and then we’re going to move that shape up a whole step and that’s A over D (A/D). Okay and then from there we’re going to move your first finger up a half step so it’s on the 10th fret and you’re going to barre the first two strings and then your middle finger will go onto the 11th fret of the G string and with all these you’re playing the D string open by the way. So it’s the same timing between the two; so the first measure, second measure and then we come back to that starting chord to get the G/D. So this is the part is the probably the most complicated part of this. We start with the G/D and then we move that shape up a whole step and then the D back to this one… Now we’re gonna move that up and we’re gonna barre just the E, B and G strings at the 12th fret and then another D. So it’s like the regular D shape but it’s going to be all the way up here an octave higher; so my first and second fingers are on the 14th fret and my third finger is on the 15th fret. So the whole thing…
Acoustic Intro-3 – Stairway To Heaven
All right and then finally we have the forbidden song… Stairway To Heaven, so you know it’s become like a running joke that this is the forbidden song, but it’s a really great song and it’s a really good song for finger picking and it’s like a real workout for both of your hands and I really recommend learning the song. So we start off with an A minor chord. So what I’m doing is barring my first finger across the E, B and G strings at the fifth fret and then my third finger is going onto the seventh fret of the D string. So here I’m just going to go; D, G, B and E. Now if you’ve never done finger picking before this will probably be kind of challenging, but basically when you look at the tabs for it it’ll kind of really make sense since I’m playing just the first four strings that my thumb will be playing the D string, my first finger will be playing the G string, my second finger will play the B string and my third finger will be playing the high E string. So when you finger pick it you don’t want it where you’re pulling your hand away like that… you want it to be your hand just stays in place and you’re just moving your finger like you’re pulling a trigger… so that’s the first half of the first measure. Then we have C major seven over A flat (CM7/Ab). So we’re gonna keep our first finger where it is and we’re gonna put our middle finger onto the sixth fret of the D string and our fourth finger onto the seventh fret of the high E string and now we’re going to pick the high E and the D string simultaneously to the B string to the G string and back to the high E. So the first measure… Okay so starting on the second measure we have C over G (C/G); so what we’re going to do is we’re going to take our first finger and move it up so now we’re barring still at the fifth fret, but we’re going to catch the D string too. So we’ve got the first four strings and then we’re going to put our fourth finger onto the eighth fret of the high E string and that’s the last chord where we stay here and then we’re going to move down. So far we’ve got… All right now we have a D over F sharp (D/F#) and what we’re going to do basically is we’re going to take this regular D chord, but our bass note instead of being the D it’s going to be F# here. So the easiest way to do this is just barre your first finger across the E, B and G strings at the second fret and put your second finger onto the third fret of the B string and your third on to the fourth fret of the D string. So that transition might be something you have to practice separately just getting back and forth between those two chords. So after the D/F# we have FM7; so this one’s easy just going to take your third finger move it down a half step so now it’s on the third fret of the D string, my second finger is on the second fret of the G string, my first finger is on the first fret of the B string and the high E string is open. Now the picking pattern changes just a little bit, so again we’re playing D and E simultaneous to B, G, back to B and then E, B, G, so far… Now we’ve got a G over B (G/B) and basically there’s a couple ways you can do it. You can just take your first finger and just put it on the second fret of the A string and play the A string, the G string and the B string all together and the G and B strings are open and then your first finger to the first fret of the B string, second finger to the second fret of the G string and the A string is open. So it’s G/B and then A minor; so what I do when I get to there I just grab a G major chord because I already have a muscle memory for that, but just play the A, G and B strings and then to an A minor and again just those same A, G and B strings. Then we’re going to play the A string open and a slide from nowhere to the eighth fret to the seventh fret and then it just starts over again… just like that.
All right so there you have it. 3 Easy Acoustic Guitar Song Intros that I’m playing on an electric guitar because my acoustic guitar is jacked right now. So anyhow they’re not too terribly hard to play but they’re highly recognizable and stuff that people really dig. All right so if you enjoyed that lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching 3 Easy Acoustic Guitar Song Intros and have a great day.