Showing 4,606 Result(s)

The Big Twang theory and other scientific guitarness

Friend, You’ve heard of the “big bang” theoryof physics. Now comes Jillon Dillon’s “big twang” theory. Actually, you’re gonna have to wait a bitto discover the exact magic behind thisformula… Don’t worry, its all good… cause next week theJimmy Dillon train sails ship with somesample video clips I’ll be releasing. Here’s some other guitar theories …

Real Blues God Secrets Exposed

Friend, I am pretty pumped because the last 2 days I just spent in the studio, recording an awesome new guitar DVD. we’re probably going to call it “The Ultimate Blues Master Class”. Basically its like 7 to 8 hours of pure blues guitar instruction. And its from Sol Philcox. This is the guitar genius …

Carl Stark Spills His Guts…

Hi Friend, Today – I’ve got a really special treat… An interview with the man BEHIND — Mr. Carl Stark. Read on to hear how you can save tons of cake on gear, guitars, amps and tons of other cool stuff. ————————– Claude Johnson: What’s up? Carl Stark: Things are hopping and popping… It’s …

Cool Bottleneck slide guitar on the beach (video)

Friend, This video is SUH-WEET… It’s Jimmy Dillon of Blue Star(AKA “Jimmy D”), playing somebottle neck slide… On the beaches of California no less… I enjoy this style of guitar playingand its something I haven’t shown youmuch of yet. So I’m excited to bring this new guitar flavorto the party! Dig it: Comments on …

New lead guitar website unveiled

You can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking on the link on the bottom of this email. Friend, I’ve been talking a lot about lead guitar lately. There’s a reason. You see, I’m getting ready to release an exciting new website, *next week*. And I’m about to give you a sneak peek! Hurray! But before I …

Thanks for sharing the love!

Friend, Pack your bags. I’m sending you to guitar camp with Jimmy Dillon. Well, almost. You’re probably thinking: HUH? WHAT? Guitar Camp? Who the **** is Jimmy Dillon? Jimmy Dillon is the director of Blue Star Music Camps. We sent them over $2000 from our Xmas Charity promotion. He just sent us a nice “thank …