How’s it going, guys. This is John McClennan
and I’m here with, showing
you a great lesson today on II V I licks,
this time in the key of C minor.
You’ll want to take this lick and practice
it in all the keys, but we’re going to start,
which is 10, 10, 10, 9 and then you could play
a G7 sharp 9, 10, 9, 10, 11. You know, the old
Jimi Hendrix chord. And then C minor 7 there.
So the lick starts right on the root note of
the II chord. Here is our D and then we’re
starting up here. And I just think that that
almost is like C minor, the scale there.
And then chromatic.
So this uses what’s called an enclosure.
Let’s say that this is our target note, G,
which happens to be playing in our C minor7 chord. It’s the 5th. We play the note above
it and then we go below and then we walk in.
So it’s… It just gives a real nice
embellishment and it outlines the chords,
having specific chord notes and chord tones
land on specific beats. That’s a big part of
the bebop language and having it sound right.
So here it is slow. And you could add an
eighth note on the end just to give that
bebop phrasing.
So be sure to click the link below for the tab.