hey Friend,
Someone asked me: “Claude,
I love your emails. How do you
manage to keep sending out fresh information?”
Well, to be honest, I’m not
really sure, lol… I just do it
Occasionally, I feel “stale” but
I’ve always had a creative brain,
and so I’ve been able to keep sending
out new and interesting stuff month
after month, year after year.
Of course, my job is made way
easier when I have great teachers
like Jimmy Dillon helping out.
Today’s guitar dish of the day
is called “the sweet side of the blues”.
It’s folky, and some would call it
country blues, but I love how
Jimmy really breaks it down
and makes it simple.
This is a sample from Jimmy’s new acoustic
blues guitar DVD course called Ultimate Acoustic Blues,
and it comes out in 10 days!
Guess what?
I’m actually shooting a new course myself on Tuesday!
It will need time, obviously, to get edited
and finalized, but will be ready before
the end of the year. More on that later.
And speaking of guitar courses, the original Guitar
Control package keeps on selling and selling,
year after year. If you don’t own it yet, check
this out:
Talk soon!
Claude Johnson
Supercharged Soloing Made Simple
Play Songs by Ear with the Fast Track Guitar System
Master Modern Acoustic Guitar Playing and Songwriting
Learn Blues Magic from the King of the Blues
Learn 50, 75, or even 125 of your favorite songs now
Rule the neck fast with the 3 Killer Guitar Control Secrets
Dominate the fretboard with Fretboard Domination
Amazing 234 page technique book and DVDs for advanced students
Incredible SOFTWARE to learn scales and get chops
Learn your Favorite Acoustic Guitar Styles
Want to Learn Classical Guitar? Amazing package with tabs
Add a whole new DIMENSION of tasty guitar chops to your arsenal.
Learn the greatest jazz standards of all times.
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