Showing 4,606 Result(s)

The Ear-to-Brain Connection

I revealed that there are 3 secrets to creating a world-class “Brain-to-Hand Connection”: 1. The Ear-to-Brain Connection2. The Ear-to-Fret board Connection3. Shorten The Guitar Player Feedback Loop The first step is developing a strong “Ear-to-Brain” connection.  This is when you HEAR something and then your brain can identify the sound. For an example, after I …

The Deep Ear-to-Brain Connection

Hey Friend, How’s it going? Well, its another friday… You better be rocking out this weekend or i’m gonna send the guitar practice cops after ya. Just kiddin… Seriously, let’s talk guitar for a sec. Yesterday, I revealed that there are 3 secrets to creating a world-class “Brain-to-Hand Connection”: 1. The Ear-to-Brain Connection 2. The …

Why do guitarists struggle so much?

Hi , I’ve really thought long and hard about that question and here’s one of the biggest reasons Perhaps The Biggest Single Difference Between A Legend Like Carlos Santana, Or Eric Clapton And The Struggling Guitarist Is… Legends can play and recreate the solos that they are hearing in their heads. How do they do …

he’s baaaacccckkk….

hey Friend, How are ya? 2009 is rockin’ already. Check this out – we just got 200 more copies of the Ultimate Country Blues. If you don’t already own this insane collection of Blues DVDs and printed tab booklets, then…man… I dunno… You just really oughta check this out. It’s the best blues instruction I’ve …

The priest thought this rocked

Hi Friend, This is one of the most exciting weeks of my life. First of all, yesterday, I had the pleasure of going to the Salvation Army and handing over our check from the Christmas Charity Promotion. In case you missed it, we offered a Christmas Guitar Course for $1 (which I matched) and all …

Party Tonight!

Hey Friend, So this is it… The final showdown. The last day of the year. The be all and end all of 08. Everyone I talk to, says it was an intense year, for better or worse. Well, i hope you are getting all your “ducks in a row” for 09, cuz I’m wishing you …

My new year’s resolution

Hey there Friend, Good morning. Well, it’s another week,.. its Monday, and so its back to the grind… However, on the bright side, 2008 is almost over 🙂 And we can all “let our hair down” on New Years. In fact, we can party “like its 1999” all over again (even if you dont have …

Merry Rockin’ Xmas

Hey Friend, Merry Christmas! It’s a beautiful morning here in Wayne , Pennsylvania. I am supposed to see friends and family later on today… Hows about you? Got anything special going on? We love to get your emails so don’t be shy, write us anytime. So what’s going on ? Let’s see. I’m happy to …

My poor Uncle got scrooged… AGAIN

Hi Friend, Some people get scrooged every year. Take my uncle for example – his birthday is Dec 25. And every year, friends and family usually just get him one gift , … a “combined” Christmas and birthday gift. What a gyp! Oh well, what are ya gonna do… Maybe he’ll have to start celebrating …

Are you a Christmas Saint or Scrooge?

Hi Friend, 2 Days till Christmas. This time of year always gives me a warm feeling. When you think about, Christmas is a very loving holiday. Now, I don’t mean to get all namby-pamby on ya here, lol… But seriously, how can you argue with the spirit of Christmas? I try to not take anything …