This is a Tranquil Backing Track In B Minor from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. This track will get your sweet melodic licks flowing from your soul. Check out the free tabs for the scales that you can use from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. This track will get your sweet melodic licks flowing from your soul. Check out the free tabs for the scales that you can use

Tranquil Backing Track In B Minor
This Tranquil Backing Track In B Minor consists of two parts. Part one is similar to a verse and has a sweet chord progression consisting of; B minor (Bm), B minor over A (Bm/A), G major and E minor (Em). Being that it is centered around the B minor tonality playing in B natural minor and all of its positions works really well. You can also use B minor pentatonic.
Part Two
Part two of this Tranquil Backing Track In B minor is similar to a bridge and consists of; F sharp minor (F#m), D major, B seven (B7) and E minor (Em). Since the tonal focus is on Bm again using B natural minor and all of its positions works really well for this section of the track. You can also use B minor pentatonic over this section as well. The B7 chord is actually a chord change and you can play E Harmonic Minor to resolve to the Em chord, but this is not necessary.
About The Scales
The Natural Minor Scale, aka The Aeolian Mode, is a musical mode and a diatonic scale, aka the natural minor scale. It is the scale on the piano that starts with A. Its ascending interval form consists of a key note, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step.
The Minor Pentatonic Scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave and is very common and found all over the world.
The Harmonic Minor Scale is derived from taking the Natural Minor Scale, aka The Aeolian Mode, and raising the seventh degree one half step.