Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence

Make your playing sound more musical and Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the tabs to go along with this free Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence guitar lesson.

Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence


Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you How to Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence, somewhat of a continuation from a lesson I did a week or so ago, I’ll leave a link for that lesson right here so you can check it out. But what this is, is just some sequences to kind of break up the major scales and can use this for all positions, I’m just using it with the regular major scale, the Ionian shape, but you can do this with Dorian or Phrygian or any of the three note per string patterns. So we kind of get into this habit of just, you know playing the scales, or even you know doing different licks and sequences and things like that, what this does is it just really breaks it up so you’re not playing so many sequential notes, you’ll see when we get into it, but it just really mixes it up so you’re not just playing a note and then playing either the next note in the scale or the previous note of the scale continuously. So this kind of breaks it up and gives it kind of a little bit more of a musical vibe without even really being a lick still just playing through the sequence. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence.

The Major Scale

For Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence we’re doing this in the key of G major, but you can do it anywhere, it’s a movable shape. So if you don’t already know the three notes per string major scale, the Ionian mode, let me quickly go over that. So we’re starting here, since its G, we’re starting here on the third fret of the E string because that’s G. So we have three, five, seven and then on the A string, three, five and seven, the D string we have to shift up one and we’re four, five, seven, same on the G string, four, five, seven and then for the E and E we have to shift up again, so we’re five, seven, eight and then on the high E, five, seven and eight. Now as I said you can play this in a different position, you know you could start up here on B and play it there, it’s going to be the same shape, it doesn’t matter where it is, just whatever note you start on is what key you’re in. Now another thing really quick with this, when I play these with the two whole steps I use my first, my second and then my fourth fingers, some people find it more comfortable go first and third like that, not using their second finger, that’s really awkward for me, but I see a lot of players that do it, but it’s usually people who have big gigantic long alien fingers, you know; Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, guys like that. I don’t have that luxury of having those long fingers like that. I’ve got little hands, so this just makes it a lot easier for me. So whichever way you want to do it, one way isn’t correct more than the other, it’s just whatever is more comfortable for you. So now lets check out the sequence.

Sequence Ascending

All right so for the sequence the pattern, instead of just going one or you know three, five, seven, we’re gonna go three, seven, five. So at first you can memorize this by looking at the tabs and you can base it off what frets you’re on, but what you really want to memorize is based on which notes since there’s three notes per string. We’ll call the first note one, the second note two and the third note three, so each string one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, so on and so forth. So what we’re going to do here is we’re going to go 1, 3, 2… and then the next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to go to 1 on the next string, in this case the A string and then back to the third note of the low E, to the second note of the A, to the first note to the third… So that’s just like the repeating pattern, you just keep doing that across all of the strings so it’s pretty straightforward until we get up here around the D, G and B strings and then I’ll show you what we’re going to do there. So again starting over it’s one, three, two three and then to the first note here, one, three, two, one back to the third fret or the third note of on the E string, to the second note on the A string, to the first and then to the third, to the second and then to the first note on the D string; so it’s just that same sequence, just keeps repeating. So if you just memorize that little pattern, thinking about which number note it is per string. Okay now when we get here, we go to the second string, so this the second note here on the G string and the first note on the on the B string are on the same fret. So if just roll up and then when we go to the third note here on the seventh fret it’s the same thing, we just roll up to the same fret. All right, so that’s the sequence for ascending it.

Sequence Descending

Now we actually end there on the ascending part. So for descending we’re going to start here on the second note to the third note of the B string, first note of the E string, second on the B third and then one… Now we’re going to go to the G string. So it’s on the same fret again, so you just take your ring finger and just roll up to that and then the same here.


All right so I hope you liked Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence and you got something out of it. If you like the lesson give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment down below. If you haven’t already done it, subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. If there’s something that you’d like to see covered in a future lesson by either myself or one of the instructors at Guitar Control leave me a comment, let us know what you’re interested in. Anyway that is all I’ve got for you today. Thanks for watching Get Out Of The Scale Rut With This Easy Sequence and have a great day.

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