Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Who else wants to play like THIS?

Hi Friend, I have to tell you, I’m a little bit stressed out today. Before I go into exactly why… I should mention that I’ve set up a very cool new blog. So before I run the risk of being boring, if you want to skip all hubba-baloo and just go check out my new …

Sold Out!

Hi Friend, They’re gone. It didn’t take long… Yes, we sold out of the “Essentials Jazz Blues Wes Montgomery package”. That happened on Friday. So that’s the bad news, if you weren’t fast enough to grab one. But there is good news. First I want to just give you a personal news from the Claudester… …

Happy Memorial Day! plus cool Dom7 idea

Hi Friend, I’m in shock… Man, I can’t believe its Memorial Day weekend already. 2009 is FLYING by. I remember when I was kid like 6 or 7, attending a local memorial day block party. It was an awesome feeling, the sense of celebration. Plus, I got drink to soda, which my parents usually didn’t …

This guy DENIED John Coltrane

Hi Friend, If John Coltrane asked you to join his band, what would you say? I would bet you a brand new PRS that you would say: HELL YEAH! Well can you believe that there’s a man who said “NO!” to Coltrane’s request to joining his band? That legend is none other than: Wes Montgomery. …

5 pieces of guitar news

hi Friend, There’s some exciting stuff comin. And lots of it… Yes my friend, I’d like to give you an update on “what we’re up to” here at Guitar Control. 1. First of all, yes its been a long time coming but we’re only a week or two away from… Putting the “Wicked Chicken Picken …

What mom really wanted

hi Friend, Well its mother’s day weekend. Ok, so what your mom (or wife) *really* wants for mother’s day: A copy of Killer Guitar Control Secrets. Just kidding…(lol) Or, I dunno, maybe if she’s a guitarist, then its true 🙂 Well, from what I’ve seen, guitar is more of a “guy thing”. I actually think …

You snooze, you lose (video)

Hey Friend, Well, that’s how the saying goes. “You snooze, you lose”. *I* snoozed and lost, but don’t you make the same mistake as me! Here’s the story… See, several months ago I decided I wanted a new video camera. So, I gave my old camera to my brother as a holiday gift. Cool, cool …

No bull Texas Blues (video)

Hello Friend, It’s only been about a week since I’ve been back in Philly. Before that I went on a little road trip 🙂 First I was in Los Angeles. I sent you an email about that. What I didn’t mention was that I also was in Texas for a few days. I guess it …