So, you’ve decided that a guitar is the right instrument for you? Great! There are a few guitar basics every beginning player should know with regards to the parts of a guitar, and we’re including them here below for you. Knowing how to refer to certain parts of your guitar will help you in your learning journey, and will ultimately help you become a better player.
Your guitar is essentially composed of three main sections, the names of which may not be all that surprising. They are the body, neck, and headstock. Simple, right? They’re pretty self-explanatory: the body is the large section of the guitar, the neck is the thin part with frets, and the headstock is at the top. All guitars have bodies and necks, but today, they’re making compact versions without headstocks. But essentially, almost any guitar you meet will be composed of these three main sections.
Now to go into details, starting with the headstock. There you’ll notice tuning machines, which are the knobs you can turn to either tighten or loosen the strings, thereby putting them in tune or changing the tuning. At the base of the headstock, and where it connects to the neck, you’ll find a nut, which is raised and holds the strings in place. The nut is very important, and without it, you wouldn’t be able to play the guitar.
Next we have the fretboard, which goes over the neck and contains the frets and inlays (the dots or designs indicating certain frets, such as the fifth, ninth and twelfth frets). Holding a string down at any fret changes the pitch of the string. After the neck, we have the body, which contains most of the other essential guitar parts. If you’re playing an acoustic, the body is hollow and has a sound hole. If it’s electric, the body can also be hollow, or it can be simply solid and contain the guitar’s electronics and pickups. Your guitar might also have a pick guard (to keep your guitar from getting scratched), and will have a bridge, which holds the other end of the strings. For some electric guitars, they have raised bridges, which are great for adding cool effects to your playing.
These are the guitar basics any beginning player should understand so they know how to properly refer to their instrument. It’s also good if your guitar has a defect or a problem, and you need to find information on how to fix it online. There is a lot more that goes into the hardware on your guitar, but for beginners, simply knowing the basic parts and their functions should be enough to get you out of a jam.
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