How to Play a Basic Rock & Roll Riff in the Style of Scotty Moore – Rhythm Blues Guitar Lesson

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How’s it going guys my name is John McLennan, I’m here with Guitar Control bringing you this video lesson. Here’s a great example of how the blues kind of Segway into Rock and Roll, this is a blues in the key of c, “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley, and Scotty Moore was the guitarist, and there’s a great guitar solo on this track as well as a typical rhythm and blues rhythm that we’ve got.

Check the image above to follow the chords and tabs.

Let’s start with our first finger on the eighth fret, and third finger on the tenth fret of the sixth and fifth string, you’re going to play that twice and you’re going to go down, up, and then taking my pinky, touching the 12th fret of the 5th string and replacing this note here, but I’m just kind of rocking back and forth between those notes and playing on beats 2 and 4.

I’m just touching there for one strum, remember with this shape my hand’s kind of arc my first finger. Hanging over and muting all other strings, you know I get this. Not with all those strings ringing open and then I’m going to do the same thing, moving up one string and then back down. Now as I move up one string, my first finger is coming to mute the low string. So I really emphasize a lot of dampening because I’m digging in with my right hand, but you’re only going to hear the notes that I want you to hear because built into those chord shapes are just muting.

My thought is, if you’re not playing it, mute it. Some people say oh no you know, don’t worry I’m just going to be real careful with my right hand and I won’t hit that low string, but then they get up on stage or they perform for people and they can’t even hear it. They don’t even know that they’re doing it, so you’ve got to start from the beginning, building these little tricks into your fingers so back down to c. Machine now this is on the 10th fret and the 12th fret, move down to the eighth fret back, so you’ve got those three chords c, f, and g. I’m doing that same blues figure over each chord, so let’s see if we can try the whole thing from the beginning one, two, one, two, three, and four.

All right check it out be sure to click to subscribe to our YouTube Channel, I’m John McLennan thanks for watching we’ll see you in the next video lesson.

Blues Power Style Guitar Lesson