Easy Guitar Lesson on Strumming Pattern for Bluegrass

Hey, how’s it going this is Claude here with Guitar Control, today I’m going to show you a sample of Mike Miz teaching from the upcoming “Bluegrass Guitar Secrets” Course.

If you’re reading a chord chart of a Bluegrass Song or just reading along with the lyrics you’ll see a lot of those 7th chords in it. And a lot of times even if there’s not an actual 7th. If you’re in a jam session or something or at a gig, they’re just going to end on that 7th chord and it’s
going to be an unspoken thing.

Important thing to know about those dominant 7th and get into some soloing and stuff over them later on. Another thing I want to talk about, too is about this pick in the pen style Bluegrass Song, is the actual strumming pattern. But I know for a lot of beginning players you kind of have to get used to that exact type of strumming. I think it gives that Standard Classic Bluegrass Sound.

As you can see, the basis of this song and strumming pattern is the actual strumming, we could count it like this one, two, three and four and; one, two, three and four and; one, two, three and four and; one, two, three and four, and; one, two, three, and four, and one, two, three, and four, and;
one, two, three, and four.

That’s just a real standard, basic approach to the kind of strumming that you’re going to use over these songs. And a lot of times that’s going to be sped up, especially when you get into some faster tempos, which is
going to sound more like.

Once again; one, two, three, and four, and; one, two, three and four and; one, two, three, and four. If you get that in your head, that will help you to grasp more on the actual strumming pattern, which once again, just ingrained in me.

The nice thing about getting to know those things is after a while, is you won’t have to think about them or give them any thought; it will just come naturally to you. You’ll hear it in your head before the song starts
and you can pick right up on it.

Fingerpicking Minor Chord Guitar Lessons

Strumming Guitar Tips and Lessons

14 Bluegrass Guitar Lessons

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