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Learn How To Play a Cool Neo Soul Groove Pattern On Guitar – Jazzy Guitar Lesson w/ Matias Rengel

If you dig Neo Soul then you should check out Learn How To Play a Cool Neo Soul Groove Pattern On Guitar – Jazzy Guitar Lesson w/ Matias Rengel. Matias is Guitar Controls resident Funk and Soul guru and with the step by step video instruction and the included tabs (just click the link) you will be see why and will be rockin’ in record time.

Hey, this is Matias Rengel with Guitar Control, we’ll be learning this really cool “Neo Soul Groove in Pattern”.

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Click on the Tabs button to follow the chords and tabs.

Start by playing this at a slower speed, this is a really cool progression and the pattern is very interesting because it’s combining a little bit of a slides, it’s also combining chords with melody without stopping without removing the chords because sometimes when we play core melodies we stop playing the chord and it sounds empty but this one combines it’s more of like an arpeggio but we’re actually playing it with the people not like chord and lick at the same time so what I would like to do is to start off with this very interesting interval of a fourth  which is a specific distance between two notes. So a perfect fourth has five half steps in between the two notes let’s say I’m here five half steps equal fret so what I’m doing is I’m on the 11th fret of the 3rd string and all for the sake of string two frets above and then I bring it down to the same and go down. Index on the 8th fret and the middle finger is on the 9th fret and from the original one we have here 11 and then I go down on my index from the 4th fret and the ring and the middle finger is in the 5th fret by the way this is still in the 3rd and 2nd string and I just slide it two frets up so it comes out to what I’m doing.

You can totally do either the same notes but muted before like it might be a little bit and when you’re finished you play the 6th fret of the 4th string and then you go into this part so when I do for this I’m playing the 6th string and played it twice on the sampling actually a beat that’s going to be in fact let’s play the chords first in order to play what I’m doing is going to be C for the first or we got the B major index  finger all across the 7th fret then I got finger on the 9th fret of the 5th string key finger on the 9th for the fourth and middle finger on the 8th fret of the 3rd. The next chord is just basically moving these two frets and removing the middle finger we got you’re C#minor and then we go back to this one the B major role in the movie do is bring that 1, 2, 3, frets and remove this one again the middle that’s our G sharp and on the final chord we have the major 7 this I got the next finger once again on the 7th fret very easy actually bring down the ring finger to the 9th fret of the fourth middle finger to the 8th fret and then what I do is I strum it up to this 2nd fret 2nd string with my pinky do the 9th fret of the 2nd and the 1st string which is already on the 2nd fret pinky down to a 9th fret and then I go to the next chord to this 1st string, the first string with the pinky you play the 1st string 12 further the 2nd string remove the pinky and naturally right there we’ve got the 9th fret of the 2nd string so similar thing but in this core you see I’m doing here, this time I’m  going to play the core up to 2nd string and then I play the pinky on the 7th fret 1st string 4th fret and then with the pinky on the 6th fret of the 1st string.

Now the final chord I play it up to the 2nd string bring it down to the original position which is on the 9th fret I’ll be pinkie into the 9th fret of the 3rd did not show you right now we got the 8th fret of that and you all of course this one starts.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this lesson there’s a link in the description so make sure you click on it or tap on it to download the tab and make sure to subscribe on our You Tube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video lessons, thanks for watching.

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How To Play Someone You Loved By Lewis Capaldi

Check out this free lesson from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman on how to play Someone You Loved By Lewis Capaldi. Be sure to get the free tabs that go along with this killer lesson.

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Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin Goodman with bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you how to play this finger style song for beginners. It’s Someone You Loved by Luis Capaldi, I guess I’m saying that right. 

Anyway this song is originally on piano, but I transposed it for guitar, it’s a great beginner song for getting into finger style playing. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look.

Someone You Loved Chords

Alright so first let’s take a look at the chords that we’re gonna be using for the first part of the song. So for the intro and the verse we have C; so I’m on the third fret of the fifth string with my third finger, second fret of the fourth string with my second finger, third string is open, first fret of the second string with my first finger and the first string is open.

And we have G; third fret of the sixth string with my second finger, second fret of the fifth string with my first finger, strings four and three are open and I’m on the third fret of the second string with my third finger and third fret of the first string with my fourth finger. Then A minor; fifth string is open, second fret of the fourth string with my second finger, second fret of the third string with third finger, first fret of the second string with first finger and first string is open.

Then we have F major seven; I’m on the third fret of the fourth string with my third finger, second fret of the third string with my second finger, 1st fret of the second string with my first finger and the first string is open. And then F major; so if you just take this F major 7 shape, but you just roll your first finger down so you’re barring the first fret of the 1st and the 2nd strings.

Intro & Verse

All right so the intro and the verse are the same thing. So for the intro we just play through this progression once. You start with C and we have a full measure of C and we’re playing this as eighth notes.

So my first finger is going to be on the 4th string, my second finger on the 3rd and my third finger on the second string and then my thumb will be playing the bass note on the fifth string. So you’re going to pluck strings 2, 3 and 4 together and then follow that with your thumb on the bass note, so it’s all eighth notes; so it’s two, three and four and now if you are new to a finger style playing what I always recommend is that you just rest your elbow just on the back bout here on the guitar and that way you can just bring your arm down and have your arm completely straight, you don’t want it all bent up like this and when I pluck these strings you don’t want to pull away like this, you want this motion like you’re pulling a trigger, you want to curl your fingers in towards the palm of your hand and then follow that with the down stroke on your thumb.

So for the first measure; one, two, three, four and this is relatively quick… but we’re gonna play it slow and you should work on it slow and then get it down to where you make the changes in time and then just gradually increase your speed. So one measure of C then we switch to G, so we’re gonna keep our fingers on the same strings, but we’re gonna move our thumb from playing the bass note on the fifth string to the sixth string and we do a full measure of this the same way. And A minor; so now our thumb goes back, we’re still on the same strings with our fingers but we’re our thumb is gonna go back to the fifth string for our bass note and three and four.

Then when we go to FM7 we’re gonna move everything on your picking hand; so now our thumb is playing the bass note on the fourth string, our first finger is playing the third string, second finger playing the second string and third finger playing the first string. Now on this it’s a little bit different, so we’re gonna one-and two-and three-and and then on four we’re gonna roll our finger up like we did earlier to make an F major, four, four and two and three and four. So that whole intro slowly…

Now it goes through that sequence like that for the intro and then when it goes to the verse it’s the same thing, but you do it four times. So after you do that one time through you just immediately start over again with the verse where the vocals come in four times. Now that leads us into the chorus.


Now for the chorus it’s the same chords in the same order, except the last major is just all F major no F major seven, but now we’re gonna change how we’re doing it a little bit. So now we’re gonna go just straight up finger-picking; so we’re playing bass note with our thumb on the fifth string and that’s a quarter note, so it’s like 1 and then we put our first finger on the 3rd string, 2nd on the second string and 3rd on the 1st string, so it’s 1, 2 & 3 & 4. And then for the end of 4; it’s the 4th string, so there’s a couple of ways you can do this, you could 1 2 & 3 & 4 & and then play that 4th string with your thumb, but I tend to just because I’m coming back down I just use my first finger to get that string again but, that’s just a personal preference, it’s just the way that I play.

So we have that first measure C; 1 2 & 3 & 4 & and the next measure is go to G, so now it’s all eighth notes on this one, so thumb is playing the bass note on the 6th string, first finger on the fourth string, second finger on the third string, third finger on the second string, so one and two and. Now we shift up so our third finger is on the first string, second finger is on the 2nd string and 1st finger is on the 3rd string and three and four and then again go to the fourth string. I’m using my first finger, you can use your thumb, so one and two and three and four and then to A minor and we’re gonna do this one the exact same way that we did C; so thumbs on the fifth string, first finger on the third string, second finger on the second string and third finger on the first string, one, two and three and four and again you end with the fourth string.

Now we go to F and thumb is on the fourth string, first finger is on the third string, second finger is on the 2nd string and third finger is on the first string and now the picking patterns a little bit different. So calling off string names here we’re going 4, 3, 2, 3, one, two, three, four, one and two and three and four and, and that goes through twice, all right so that’s the chorus. Now at the end of the chorus you can see that it says at the top the musical direction for dal segno, if you don’t know musical direction that’s okay, we’re not going to get all into it right now but what that means is that you’re going to go back to the segno sign.

So if you look on your transcription you go back to the first verse at the very top of that there’s this kind of a fancy-looking S and that is the segno sign. So you’re going to play intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus and then you move on. So the second time through you ignore that DS and then that leads us to the bridge.


So for the bridge we’re adding in one new chord, D minor; so fourth string is open, second fret of the third string with my second finger, third fret of the second string with my third finger and first fret of the first string with my first finger. So this is also the straight-up finger picking; so this is picked the same way that F was on the chorus. So all eighth notes and we keep our fingers on the same strings; we just move our thumb from the fourth string to the third string and do the same thing.

Now we go to G again and our fingers stay on the same place and now our bass note is moving to the sixth string; so now we’re gonna go six three two three one three two three one and two and three and four and. And then on for the fourth measure we’re still on G for the first half of it we go 6 3 2 3 and then we switch back to A minor and we move our thumb from the 6th string to the 5th string and we go 5 3 2 3. So that last measure and then it just repeats and you go back and do the whole thing again. All right, so then that leads us into the final chorus.

Final Chorus

So for this final chorus we start off same chords, but it’s gonna be a little bit different. This time the first four measures of this we’re just going to C, G, A minor and F, but we’re going to just strum the chord as a whole note; so you’re like one two three four two three four two two three four, repeats one two three four and then back into the chorus before starting with C. And then we go to the we’re at the very last staff just like that.


All right, well I hope you enjoyed that and you got something out of it. Like I said this is aimed at you beginners, it’s just a good way to get work in that picking hand. Like I said it moves along fairly quickly. If you look the song up and listen to it and like I said it’s on the piano and it was transposed to guitar, but it’s in the same key, so if you’re in standard tuning you can play right along with it. Alright so if you liked the video give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if there’s something you’d like to see either myself or one of the other instructors at do in a future lesson. Anyway that’s all I got for you today, thanks for watching How To Play Someone You Loved By Lewis Capaldi and have a great day.

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Learn How To Play a “Dirty Blues” Guitar Riff – Rhythm Blues Guitar Lesson

Hey, how’s it going this is Darren Goodman with Guitar Control, in this video lesson I want to show you how to play a kind of cool rock and blues thing. This is something I wrote a long time ago and never really had a name for it, but a friend said hey this sounds like “Dirty Blues” so that’s what we’re going to call it.

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Click the Tab button to follow the chords and tabs.

This first part revolves around A, so we’re going to be pedaling the fifth string open which is A. So we’ve got A twice and then we go to the seventh fret of the fourth string and then back to the fifth string open, then fifth fret and fourth string and fourth fret and then back up.

This string is being peddled fourth string we’re on seven and when I go back to that seven I’m sliding on to that first half and then for the second half it’s more or less the same it’s just one part changes. So on the second time, it says sliding up to seven to the third fret of the fifth string throw a vibrato. That’s the riff for the first part.

All right so you play it through all the way through once and then you start over. On a second time you play the first half, so second time through and then we stopped there on four, and then what I’m doing is I’m just lightly touching the string for harmonics and then alternate picking and descending  because it gives that kind of cool little rock and vibe to it.

That leads us into the second part, for the second part this is very similar to a blue shuffle that you’ve probably done before. I’m on the second part of the fourth string with my first finger string is open. Again, we’re going to do that same kind of rhythm, the notes that we’re going to be changing are on the fourth string or to the second fret with your first finger on the fourth string and then to the fifth fret with fourth string with your fourth finger fourth fret with your third.

It’s the same rhythm were doing here, the same with pedaling that middle string between each time we change so here now calling off the frets for the fourth string just like on the last one of the first half, and the second half are almost the same it’s just the very end. The first time through, second time, third fret of the fifth string again we’re going to a C on both times, hopefully twice just like we did before the second time through it’s not the whole sequence.

The first half second time through, second half and then we’re going to do this little easy pull off lick. First finger on the second fret of the third string and then your third finger on the fourth fret and we’re going to pick and do the same thing on strings four and five and then we’re going to go down and we’re going to do the basically the exact same thing we did, but we’re going to do it on string six and five.

This time we’re going to the third fret of the sixth string, it’s a G instead of a C all right so this one just like before, will play through it twice but the second time through the second half is different so the second time through first half we’re going to do this little kind of climb thing, so we’re going to go power cord g5. We’re on the third fret of the sixth string with your first finger in the fifth fret of the fifth string with your third finger and we’re going to play that three times and it’s like triplets. Then we move up a half step that will leads us into the final part .

For this final part we’re going to be playing primarily on the fourth and the third string, you can do most of this with just your first finger. We’re going to do a slide from nowhere to the ninth fret to the seventh, and the fifth, and then when we get to that A, we’re going to strum the A take your second finger and go to the third fret of the fifth string which is C and we’re going to give a little bit of a bend.

Grab that third fret of the fifth string and then back to that third strings together and then we got this little kind of riff here at the end. So we have the A and we play it twice and then we do to the third fret of the fifth string with your second finger and then do a hammer on to the fourth fret and follow that second part of the third stage is an A.

Back into that original main riff, again you practice all the parts you know separately and then put them together and stuff. I hope you enjoyed that you got something out of it if you like this lesson be sure to subscribe on our You Tube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video lessons, thanks for watching.

How To Play a Cool Groove w/ Matias Rengel – Neo Soul Rhythm Guitar Lesson